Current situation and decisions of the Operational Headquarters

12/10/20 12:11

Current situation and decisions of the Operational Headquarters

The President heard reports from the chief doctors in the course of the meeting of the Operational Headquarters. At least twice a week, they inform the President about the current state of affairs, availability of the medical institutions they lead, the current need, and the problems that arise. An obligatory component of each report is the analysis of severe and fatal cases among COVID patients. Practice shows that most of the patients with burdened coronavirus is with serious chronic diseases cannot cope with the disease. Age carriers of the virus are also at increased risk. In addition, there are facts of a tragic outcome, when citizens who did not seek professional medical help on time, aggravated their condition by self-medication or lack of treatment as such.

The birth of children in coronavirus circumstances was discussed at the meeting. Ten infected mothers had 11 babies only in Slobodzeya hospital during its existence. None of them are carriers of COVID-19, said the Head physician of the medical institution Igor Tostanovsky.

The republican clinical hospital was today again the center of attention of members of the Operational Headquarters. Ruslan Mova reported on verification of the reasons for the emergency power outage that occurred on December 6 in one of the departments of the hospital on the basis of the republican clinical hospital. The source of the problem is an electrical appliance in the kitchen. A diesel generator is installed and connected to prevent such situations. On December 7, a cold water supply pipe leaked in the republican clinical hospital. It took two and a half hours to eliminate the accident. Having listened to the report, the President instructed the PMR Minister of Economic Development Sergei Obolonik to urgently create a commission that will check the state of all communication networks of the institution. Further decisions will depend on the conclusions of specialists who will analyze the situation and present the overall picture.

Activities of the Dniester sanatorium in Kamenka are another issue on today's working agenda. The request of its management is related to the provision of health resort services to foreign citizens. The proposed mechanism is as follows: persons who have arrived from abroad who have bought a voucher or booked a place in a sanatorium in advance and have COVID-19 absence certificate can be admitted for treatment (research must be carried out no more than 48 hours before arrival). Another possible option: crossing of the Pridnestrovian border by the voucher’s holders and their accompanying persons without a corresponding certificate, but with mandatory testing on the basis of the sanatorium itself before registering and placing a potential client. For this, the administration of the health resort in Kamenka needs to purchase equipment and train specialists to conduct express testing. The President considers that the device will also be needed for the prompt detection of carriers of the virus among visitors already during their stay in the institution (in case of late manifestation of symptoms). According to Vadim Krasnoselsky, on-site testing is the most optimal option, especially taking into consideration the increasing frequency of the issuance of fake documents in neighboring states on laboratory testing of biomaterial samples for coronavirus. Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that in case of launching a new mechanism, it will be necessary to establish a clear interaction of the sanatorium's personnel with the local Crisis Center and the Operations Center. An important aspect is to ensure prompt and safe travel of foreign citizens outside Pridnestrovie in case of detection of the virus.

The President asked about the provision of the republic's health care system with tests. In addition to the available medical institutions (stock until the beginning of next week), 550 units remain in the warehouse of the Ministry of Health. But by Monday, 30000 tests are expected to be delivered, said the Health Minister Christina Albul.

They returned to the topic of the upcoming New Year holidays In the course of the staff discussion, stressing once again: corporate celebrations are prohibited. In the event that members of the working team violate this requirement and gather anywhere for a joint celebration, the Head of the enterprise (organization) will bear personal responsibility, the President recalled. Taking into account the specifics of the clients' pastime, which involves the use of musical equipment by different people, the activities of karaoke establishments are suspended for now.

Vadim Krasnoselsky called everyone to understanding and civic responsibility, recalling that all these measures are aimed at preserving the life and health of people.


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