A proposal was made to introduce the strictest quarantine in the republic, implying a widespread suspension of the activities of businesses and institutions in the course of the meeting of the Operational Headquarters. The President did not support the initiative, noting that stopping the development of the economy means leaving the country without sources of funding for life, including measures to combat the coronavirus. Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that Pridnestrovie does not receive help from outside and relies only on itself. He recalled that the costs associated with anti-coronavirus measures are approaching three hundred million rubles from March until the end of this year. Increasing the burden on the economy is fraught with irreparable consequences, the President considers. It was decided to keep the business running, but to increase the control over compliance with quarantine measures. State institutions that provide services to the population are transferred to a remote mode of operation for at least two weeks (except for cases when it comes to ensuring the life of the state). The Government has been instructed to formulate a clear list of the spheres of distance operators. Institutions that continue to operate are obliged to ensure that half of the staff is transferred to remote work. Kindergartens will continue to accept pupils. Schools from today are attended by primary school students, provided that children are in contact with one teacher (even the school director is prohibited from classroom entering). An innovation of today is a mandatory mask and glove regime in public transport.
Current Decisions of the Operational Headquarters
11/16/20 11:50
Current Decisions of the Operational Headquarters
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