Message from the PMR President to public and administrative authorities. “Political Stability” block. The tasks in the field of ensuring state security addressed to the PMR Ministry of State Security

01/22/24 12:12

Message from the PMR President to public and administrative authorities. “Political Stability” block. The tasks in the field of ensuring state security addressed to the PMR Ministry of State Security

1. To intensify activities to obtain proactive information about military threats, identify and stop threats of sabotage, terrorist and extremist manifestations in Pridnestrovie.

This issue must be taken seriously. Those terrorist attacks that we managed to prevent last year (I’m talking about the February-March prepared terrorist attacks and sabotage against officials of the OSCE Mission, the leadership of Pridnestrovie, and citizens) would probably have changed the life of Pridnestrovie, would have turned it upside down. Who knows what the consequences would be. These terrorist attacks did not take place thanks to the professionalism of the State Security Service, the Ministry of State Security, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It didn’t take place. The persons were detained and confessed. There will be a court decision on these figures, on these terrorists in January-February as I understand it in principle. The most important thing is not this. The most important thing is that they did not allow what could have happened. Naturally, we entered a code - yellow, red, it doesn’t matter what the code was. You can't solve the problem with code. The main thing is the internal attitude of employees, understanding of the danger and work accordingly. It exists, and thanks God.

2. To organize measures to improve the activities of the forces and means of the Operational Headquarters for the Fight against Terrorism and the management of the counter-terrorism operation. Not on paper, but in reality.

3. To strengthen the security of the State Border of the PMR using modern technical means.

4. To conduct together with the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the PMR counter-terrorism exercises on a regular basis.

5. To continue work to detect and prevent cyberterrorism and eliminate the consequences of cyberattacks on the resources of the state information infrastructure.

6. When implementing a set of measures to improve the performance of service at checkpoints, to continue to work on: minimizing the likelihood of delays in passenger and transport flows, increasing the professional and ethical culture of behavior of military personnel, improving the service and living conditions of personnel.

7. To carry out activities to form and strengthen the state ideology among the younger generation, aimed at instilling historical, cultural, moral and traditional values. To involve the Black Sea Cossack Army among other things.

8. To develop the Capital Investment Fund for the overhaul of the MGB clinic.


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