Children's health improvement and organization of leisure for schoolchildren during the vacation period was discussed in the course of the meeting under the President

07/25/23 10:08

Children's health improvement and organization of leisure for schoolchildren during the vacation period was discussed in the course of the meeting under the President

The organization of schoolchildren's leisure during the summer holidays and the implementation of children's health programs were among the issues discussed during the working meeting held by the President via videoconference. Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that this is an important component of the country's social and youth policy. The task of the state is to capture the attention of as many children as possible. 7356 people have visited and plan to visit multi-format venues this year.

It was noted in the course of the meeting that the natural and climatic conditions in Pridnestrovie are favorable for organizing children's health improvement. There are camps in different settlements of the republic. Steps are being taken to improve their infrastructure. There are proposals for the creation of new facilities. A network of summer playgrounds is being developed at educational institutions. In addition, they have been practicing the opening of educational and entertainment locations for the daytime stay of children at the Children's Youth and Sports Schools and some sports schools since this year. There were five daytime summer camps at school organized by the Department of Public Education in Tiraspol (632 children), one in Dnestrovsk (80 children), 11 daytime summer camps at school were thought out for 742 young people from Bendery, 1209 schoolchildren visited 26 daytime summer camps at school in Slobodzeya and villages of the district, 15 daytime summer camps at school in Grigoriopol district (346 children), 7 in Dubossary (125 children), 23 in Rybnitsa (1036 children), the program covered 122 children in Kamenka district, that is, in general, 91 daytime summer camps at school for 4292 schoolchildren were deployed in the republic at schools and other educational institutions.

As for the round-the-clock summer camps, four trips are planned for the current vacation period to the Victoria camp located in Mereneshty, the Dniester Dawns recreation complex, the Spartak and the camp in Dubossary. The total coverage of children's health improvement at these facilities is 3064 people. An important aspect: the state ensured the stay of 373 pupils of closed social institutions (orphanages, boarding schools) in health camps throughout the summer, allocating for each voucher for all four shifts.

The President drew attention to the involvement of ministries whose main functions are not related to the educational, social or health profile. The Ministry of Defense, for example, successfully oversees the activities of the Dniester Dawns, in fact, reviving the facility. The complex operates all year round, providing medical and preventive services to the adult population. The main focus is on children's health improvement in summer. According to preliminary estimates, the number of young visitors this summer will exceed one and a half thousand people. We are talking not only about the holders of vouchers allocated through the Ministry of Social Protection and Labor, but also about the children of military personnel and Suvorovites.

The infrastructure of the cadet corps, subordinated to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the PMR, does not stand idle during the holidays. The second camp shift has already begun here – 111 children of employees of the internal affairs bodies arrived. The age is 9-11 years. Like 120 guys from the first shift, they will stay in the health-improving and sports complex at the base for 11 days. Stay – around the clock. The program is developed and implemented by law enforcement officers themselves – specialists from the central office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The President expressed gratitude to everyone involved in the work aimed at improving the health of children. The PMR President emphasized the importance of ensuring security, recalling that control must be strict from the first to the last day of the camp season.


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