Interview of Vadim Krasnoselsky to "The Pridnestrovie" newspaper

12/10/22 10:21

Interview of Vadim Krasnoselsky to "The Pridnestrovie" newspaper

– Vadim Nikolaevich, a year of your presidency has passed since your re-election. It was a very difficult, turbulent year. It seemed that the previous periods were not easy, the society overcame various difficulties, but they were replaced by new ones. How is Pridnestrovie coping?

– I will say regarding the year as President that it was a continuation of the previous five years. The goals were outlined, the tools for achieving them were defined. Work continued as planned. I am of the opinion that any trials make us better, stronger, wiser, make us think and act, as for the difficulties faced by the state. Unless we do not give up and take real measures, make efforts to overcome them, of course. Difficulties teach us. The pandemic, for example. It was a tragedy. How many lives have been cut short by the coronavirus, how many resources have been spent to combat its spread. What do we see when we look back? Everyone remembered that the most affordable and effective means of protection and prevention is the observance of elementary hygiene rules – hand washing, systemic disinfection of premises, inventory, equipment, wet cleaning and ventilation. Is it complicated? Does it require a huge investment of money, effort, time? No. But we had to go through a pandemic in order to remember this to realize it. If we talk about more global conclusions from this difficult situation, then society really looked at medicine –the state saw and appreciated its significance. It is important that we did not just take note of the information. We are taking measures aimed at improving the mechanism for providing medical care, improving its quality, and ensuring accessibility based on the conclusions made. Outdated norms and approaches, mismanagement, which demanded a significant part of the funds allocated by the state for healthcare, should remain in the past. There had been talk about it before, but it remained just talk. The pandemic exposed problems, revealed weaknesses, helped to see the whole picture. As a result, not targeted, but comprehensive measures are taken. This is right.

Another example, when borders were closed due to pandemic restrictions, and then because of the difficult geopolitical situation, did the life of society stop? It froze for a short time, but then internal resources were activated. The position of Pridnestrovie is generally specific. We are no strangers to blockades and pressure. We have limited imports – we have increased and diversified domestic production. Export became more complicated – more attention was paid to the domestic market. Traveling around the world has become impossible – we are developing domestic tourism. There is no way to import building materials from abroad – they have reasonably approached the minerals and natural resources available on the territory of the republic, set up local production, providing materials and work for the construction sector consequently.

There were many doubters and even those who assured that it was unrealizable, impossible, untimely, when the state project of the Capital Investment Fund was launched. The program was gaining momentum while they were talking. Yes, it's difficult. Everyone today sees how much has been done. The life of society, the vital activity of the state are like impulse chains: if one link freezes, the whole system stops; if you give an impulse to some element, the whole mechanism is activated. We launched a program to put the social infrastructure in order (and this is a global project for our state in terms of scale, volume of work and financial costs) – they gave impetus to the development of the construction sector, which in turn prompted the development of the manufacturing sector. This is employment. Having made repairs, equipped institutions and organizations, improved working conditions, thereby attracting more people who want to find a job, which means keeping citizens and taxpayers in the country. A person stayed in Pridnestrovie, created a family here. Housing is needed. It also needs to be built. This is the front of the work for the builders. Everything is interconnected. That's why I always say: no matter how difficult (times are not easy), we must move forward. The solutions will always be found.

Another example: the situation with the restoration of the reclamation complex. Pridnestrovie counted on Russia's help. There was a corresponding project. But it so happened that the Russian side refused to implement it for objective reasons. What was to be done? Should we leave everything as it is and completely ruin the land reclamation system, making agriculture in our fertile region not just risky, but completely unpromising? In no case. We have 235 thousand hectares of land in cultivation. The agro-industrial complex is the basic component of the real sector of the Pridnestrovian economy, the foundation of the country's food security. I will not stop repeating that we must strive for self-sufficiency and independence, not only political, but also socio-economic. Agriculture is the most important tool. This tool must be in working order. The development of agriculture, and hence other branches of agriculture is impossible without irrigation. We turned to our machine builders: can we use internal resources to create equipment for the restoration and modernization of the reclamation complex, which has fallen into decay since Soviet times and is in critical condition? We received an affirmative answer. Electromash launched without delay the production of the necessary units, engines, pumps, took over the installation and maintenance. The process has begun. Agribusiness with the support of the state is actively involved in it. As a result, we quadrupled the area of irrigated land. Plus 9 thousand hectares of irrigated fields only this year, eight additional objects were included in the complex. There are more than 30000 hectares under reclamation totally. This is not the limit. Work continues. So we can do it ourselves? I repeat: these are jobs, and the receipt of taxes, and providing the population with food. We were prompted to take action in this direction by extreme necessity – the drought and the understanding that help was not to be expected. It's very difficult now. Nevertheless, for 2023 we have budgeted 70 million for the development of land reclamation and for strengthening the positions of the agricultural sector consequently, which currently employs about four hundred organizations and more than 1800 peasant farms.

Let’s consider the energy crisis, for example. Don’t we all know the common truths that it is necessary to turn off the lights when leaving, that it’s better to use energy-saving light bulbs, freshen up a shirt without turning on the washing machine and electric dryer for it, that using a broom is sometimes easier, and most importantly, more economical than a vacuum cleaner. There are a huge number of examples, but we forget about all this, and it took an energy collapse to remember. Someone will say that household consumption of energy resources by a person is a drop in the ocean of course. The sea is made up of these very drops. Don't underestimate your contribution. Diligence is not a one-time action, it is a norm, a way of life. Naturally, globally, on a national scale, the leadership of the country is obliged to think, make decisions, and act. We do it. It is important to understand that the state is not only institutions of power, government agencies, and so on, first of all, the state is the people. Every citizen feels it when a country faces another test, finds itself in difficult circumstances. We must all together face the difficulties, cope with them.

Back to the energy crisis, yes, it was stormy. We did not find understanding from the outside. We didn't give up on everything. Patiently and persistently conveyed the position of Pridnestrovie, argued, explained. We were heard. When it comes to the well-being of people, politics, ambitions should go by the wayside. In winter, the inhabitants of the two republics risked being at the epicenter of an energy collapse, while the resources – gas and electricity – are available. Thank God, reason prevailed. What effort did it cost the negotiators? This is the work of officials. It was fulfilled with honor. Consolidation and confident movement towards the intended goal is the key to success.

– The Pridnestrovian authorities during your presidency are distinguished by the aforementioned consolidation. The leadership of the Government has changed in the past year. Has this affected the work, the effectiveness of the administrative apparatus?

– Governance is a team effort. The continuity has been preserved. I am grateful to Alexander Vladimirovich Martynov for his contribution and initiative. Alexander Nikolaevich Rosenberg harmoniously joined the team. He is an experienced specialist, knows how to listen, hear, draw conclusions, is not afraid to make decisions. I have no doubts about the correctness of the choice made.

– You spoke about the Capital Investment Fund. The program was not frozen, despite all the difficulties. Will the decision change?

– Capital Investment Fund has become a household name. When it comes to repair and construction work, landscaping, improving the urban environment, updating infrastructure, people know that this is a capital investment program (although other programs are operating in parallel – state and municipal). It does not matter for citizens where the funds are allocated from, the fact that the necessary work is carried out is important. In fact, these are the current tasks of the state and local authorities. It so happened that these tasks were not fulfilled for decades. We will not now find out the reasons, look for the guilty. We state that the infrastructure was in a deplorable state. To postpone putting it in order until better times would be to allow the final destruction. The point of no return was at arm's length. You can continue to talk about difficult times, budget deficits, watching the decline in infrastructure. We changed the approach, the angle of view, the angle to expand the horizon. You never know what you can do till you try. If the head thinks of course. We had to slow down this year really. Financing of state programs was reduced to a minimum. More modest than we would like, and the planned size of Capital Investment Fund 2023. Everyone understands the objectivity of the reasons. You should stop by no means. Although not as fast as we would like, work on the construction and repair of social infrastructure facilities, the improvement of settlements, and the equipping of social institutions will continue. The capital investment program covered up to one and a half hundred objects after all stages of forced sequestration. 136 were put into operation during the year in 2022. About 215 million rubles were invested in social infrastructure. These are 12 medical institutions, more than three dozen educational, two dozen kindergartens, additional education and social rehabilitation facilities, communal and urban infrastructure, this is the creation of comfortable conditions for our law enforcement officers and military personnel to serve, as well as for work in other departments.

The 2023 Capital Investment Fund necessarily included unfinished projects (so as not to return to the well-known harmful practice of long-term construction), as well as work that needs to be carried out urgently due to the emergency state of institutions – about a hundred objects. So far, we are allocating about two hundred million rubles. It will be seen further.

We pay attention not only to large cities, central squares and large state institutions. We are trying to improve the living conditions of Pridnestrovians living in different parts of the republic. I go to the most remote villages. Literally this week I am planning a trip to Kamenka district, I will visit rural schools, kindergartens. I reviewed the information. The combined complex is attended by only six preschool children and 13 pupils in Ocnitsa, but they visit. So, a school and kindergarten are needed. We must create good conditions for children and teachers. I'll visit it. How else? If we proceeded solely from the data of summary reports, this tiny school could be lost in the general list against the background of larger objects. Therefore, I inspect hospitals, sports facilities, correctional centers, go to fields, orchards, farms, communicate with enterprise teams in order to realistically assess the state of affairs and needs. I aim at such an approach to the work of all officials. Sitting in a warm office and looking at the slender columns of numbers on paper or a computer monitor, one cannot understand the problem, one cannot understand the situation, one cannot set priorities. Come to the place, see the conditions under which children study or creative teams work, which you have repeatedly applauded at various events, and experience mixed feelings – admiration for the heroism and dedication of these talented people and bitterness.

We are repairing the House of Culture, improving the park near it, repairing the road leading to the House of Culture, building a sports ground and a children's playground in the neighborhood. A well-maintained multifunctional complex gradually appears for residents of a village or even several settlements, or an urban microdistrict. We try to listen to people. It is the locals who know what they need. No need to impose opinion. For example, residents of the village asked to build a park in Pervomaisk. It is built and landscaped. A village temple was a long-standing common dream. We are building a church in the park, which will bear the name of the patron saint of the village Archangel Michael. They the idea to create a Sunday school on the temple site appeared. The locals were also asking for it. Why not? Would you say, it is not the time, again? Such an answer was given to the inhabitants of Pervomaisk for more than one year or even a decade. Let us remember the House of Culture in Malaeshty village. This is a very illustrative example. The huge building was built in the early 60s of the last century. The institution is demanded. The heating disappeared for some technical reasons in the 80s. Almost four decades did not bother to address this issue. The Palace of Culture functioned, the teams were engaged, events were held. Why is that? Wasn't it time? Or the university, for example. It is the main university of the country, an educational institution with almost a century of history. What did it look like? How was it equipped? How was the temple of knowledge? How was a modern educational center? The answer, I think, is the same for everyone. My thought, I am sure, is clear to everyone.

We will continue to implement the Capital investment fund program of course. The scale, volume, period of action depend on the circumstances, but there will be no doubt that the transformation of the country and the creation of comfortable living, working, and leisure conditions for our citizens will continue.

– Among the objects that the state has attributed to the priorities in the capital investment program are institutions for people with special needs. People with special needs never received so much attention before. Why is it like this now?

–This is how it should be, not only now, but always. Disability is not a personal choice. It's a given, fate. The life of such people is complicated by the specificity of their state of health. We must help them. Not to focus on the disease, but make sure that they feel it to the least extent possible. Remember, we dedicated a year to people with disabilities, calling it the Year of Equal Opportunities? I'm talking about 2018. We didn't call it the Year of Disabled People. This would be incorrect and wrong. Because the essence is precisely not to single out these people, but to make their life as active, rich, full in all respects as that of any person. Study, sports, family, work, entertainment – everything should be available. It's not that hard to provide. Yes, of course, the state has invested heavily in the creation of specialized institutions for people with special needs. A republican center has been established in Tiraspol. This is a complex institution where you can go in for sports, science, art, self-education. A unique center for children with special needs was built and equipped in Dubossary. Its discovery is important not only for the children themselves, but also for the parents who have devoted their lives to them, for the staff. You will remember the conditions in which their days passed. These are children. They need to develop, communicate, socialize. There was an idea to allocate a land plot on which the guys would be engaged in landscaping. It's not difficult, not expensive, but very effective. It's not always about finances. There must be a desire. People who are confined to a wheelchair sometimes have a hundred times more positive energy and ideas than those who are healthy. For example the Head of the "Invapansport" club in Bendery – he is active himself and does not allow others to sit idly by. A sports and rehabilitation center for the people with special needs was opened in Bendery, where those who like active lifestyle spend time with benefit and pleasure and professional parasportsmen train thanks to his perseverance. Creative abilities are revealed, exhibitions of creative works of people with disabilities are organized at the same time. A specialized gym is equipped in Rybnitsa. A similar one is being prepared for opening in Dubossary. For several years, there has been serious funding for the improvement of educational institutions for children with special needs in the capital. A lot has been done on the part of the state. It is important that the society is actively involved in the process of comfortable adaptation of special people. I want to address artists, poets, artists, teachers of vocals, stagecraft, designers, representatives of various creative directions. Do not be lazy, do not be shy – please, go to the institutions for people with special needs, communicate, share your talent, knowledge, and skill. Not every disabled person will decide, for example, to come to a concert or performance, not everyone will be able to do it physically. What does it cost to hold a performance at the site of the rehabilitation center? Or, for example, organize a master class, maybe a literary evening. After listening to works, perhaps someone from the audience will decide to voice their own. You don't need much. Half an hour, an hour of your time, and this is an example for them, this is an impulse, this is a connection with the world, this is an opportunity for self-expression and personal realization. I am sure that this communication will be useful and a joy for both the guys and their guests. Don't delay. The eve of the New Year is the time for good deeds and undertakings. Let this become a good tradition. I plan to congratulate the specialized children's center. I know that the children are waiting, getting ready. I also look forward to these meetings, believe me. If you begin to visit such institutions more often, communicate with pupils, you will see how they change and open up over time. The first meetings are always somewhat tense for everyone, but gradually the barriers go away, dissolve. This is a meeting of good friends.

– New Year's holidays are coming. Settlements are transformed, immersed in the Christmas atmosphere. We set the task of preparing for the holidays, decorating New Year's locations, creating installations, including light installations even at the time of the forced austerity of energy resources. Someone said that all this is useless in such a difficult period.

–There are always enough people who like to talk. Most often these are people who toil from idleness, or provocateurs. There have always been worries and difficulties. This does not mean that, exactly according to Brodsky, one should not leave the room. The holiday is coming, Pridnestrovians deserve it, people need warmth and light not only in their homes, but also in their hearts, which means they need bright, soul-warming emotions. I will say that modern illumination consumes no more electricity than outdated household electrical appliances for amateur accountants. Even this is not the main thing. I repeat: residents and guests of Pridnestrovie should have the opportunity to come and enjoy the holiday. Parks and squares have been built and landscaped in towns and villages for people. Do you know how many cultural events were organized at these sites during the year? Nearly two thousand. The heads of state administrations at a meeting report every Monday on the events held during the week. It never sounded that the organizers worked, but the people did not come. Citizens need attention, emotions. I have already given this example. Creative teams performed at the forefront for fighters and for residents who were under blockade and under shelling of cities and villages during the Great Patriotic War. Shostakovich wrote the seventh symphony in besieged Leningrad. The composer and his family were taken to Kuibyshev so that he could finish the great work. Hiding, barricading yourself, locking yourself in that very conditional room – this would be the biggest mistake. This is not about Pridnestrovie.

– 2022 did not become a year of breakthrough in negotiations with Moldova, unfortunately. The dialogue is complicated by new negative circumstances. Is there any hope that the dark streak in the negotiation process will be replaced by a white one in the near future?

– I wouldn't call this year's negotiation period dark. Rather colorless. There were no specifics, no partnership discipline, no initiatives, or at least the implementation of previously reached agreements from Moldova. There was no systemic approach among Moldovan politicians, no unity of opinions and decisions even in rejecting our proposals. We on the other hand are committed to dialogue and peaceful resolution of all pressing issues. Although it is difficult to react calmly, when the goods that are awaited in the republic, they are detained at the border, including socially significant goods. Import of some was secured with great difficulty, others were flatly denied import. Among those not delivered to Pridnestrovie are agricultural machinery, equipment for the manufacture of personal protective equipment (and this was during the period when the coronavirus pandemic was raging), commemorative coins and postage stamps, food (eggs, meat), medicines, fertilizers. They must understand in Moldova that the lack of agrochemistry will affect the state of affairs in the agrarian sector of the republic. This is our food security, which I spoke about. For understanding: the volume of gross agricultural output amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars. Almost half is now consumed in Pridnestrovie in the context of complicated export-import operations. These are our food. There will be no fertilizers and plant protection products, crops will decline. The decisions of Moldovan officials are not accidental. They hit the well-being of Pridnestrovians consciously and purposefully. The situation is similar with the bureaucratic obstacles imposed on Pridnestrovian enterprises and in the banking sector. The behavior of the Moldovan side in the energy sector for two months is a completely different story. The public is aware. I will not stop. We work pointwise, we solve problems locally. We have concluded an agreement in the energy sector for the current period. Let it be for now. I would like to believe that the situation in the negotiations will change for the better.

– What do you attribute to the achievements of the year?

– The Republic lives – this is an achievement. The economy survived – this is an achievement. The working collectives have been preserved – a huge merit of the administrations. Social obligations are fulfilled – also in the treasury of achievements. Our sportsmen rise to the podium – this is an excellent result. Football came to life – professional, amateur, children's – this is also important. Musicians delight the local audience and adequately represent Pridnestrovie at international venues – this is an achievement, of course. Premieres in the state theater – an achievement? Undoubtedly. More than two and a half thousand children were born during the year. Isn't that an achievement? 73 young families received state subsidies, it means they have the opportunity to purchase their own housing – and this is our common success. 35 orphans celebrated housewarming during the year, apartments for the purchase of which funds have already been allocated for seven more – another plus. They commissioned a residential building in Rybnitsa – how not to be happy for those who improved their living conditions? Another 11 high-rise buildings are planned to be completed next year. The bins are full of grain. There are products on the store shelves. Kids in kindergartens are fed. Schools are working. Medical assistance is provided. The houses are warm and light. Peace is the most important achievement in the country. The rest will follow.


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