Draft budget-2023 was discussed in the course of the meeting under the President

09/05/22 18:08

Draft budget-2023 was discussed in the course of the meeting under the President

The PMR President held a meeting on the draft budget for 2023. The senior executives of the Administration of the President of the PMR, the PMR Government, the Supreme Council, the ministries of the socio-economic bloc and a number of parliamentary committees were invited to the working discussion. The expected main macroeconomic indicators for the next year were outlined. It was noted at the same time that it is extremely difficult to predict in the current circumstances. The situation in the Pridnestrovian economy directly depends on the geopolitical situation along the perimeter of the republic, the development of which no one can now undertake to predict. Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that the country must be ready for any scenario. The economy must be kept afloat, while maintaining a course for development, the population must be provided with all the resources, the President directed the officials.

The Government proposals were discussed today. Particular attention was paid to those related to the improvement of tax legislation. The government has prepared about a dozen initiatives in this sphere. Some of the proposed changes are of a technical nature, while others involve significant adjustments to existing regulations. The Government design developments related to corporate income taxes, personal income tax and agriculture support were discussed. They spoke about the need to update the provisions of the law on state duty, the norms of which have not been comprehensively reviewed for more than two decades. They focused on the topic of taxation in the field of individual entrepreneurship.

The expenditure side of the budget was discussed. Potential government spending directly depends on the revenues that can be received in the coming year. Task number one is the fulfillment of social obligations.

The meeting participants agreed after a lengthy discussion that the government draft of the main financial document of the republic for 2023 can be taken as a basis in general. The Supreme Council will study the document in detail and propose its amendments. Further work is traditionally carried out jointly by representatives of the legislative and executive authorities.


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