The Unfading Candle of Memory

06/22/22 06:52

The Unfading Candle of Memory

One of the most tragic dates in Soviet history, the faithful keepers and successors of which are today's Pridnestrovians, is June 22, 1941. Later officially called the Day of Memory and Sorrow, the dawn was overshadowed by terrible news this day: Nazi Germany attacked the Soviet Union, unleashing a war that lasted 1418 days and claimed tens of millions of lives. Every year on June 22 at exactly 4 o'clock in the morning is the time of the treacherous attack in Pridnestrovie, as in many places on the world map, where the feat of the Soviet liberator soldier is honored, the "Candle of Memory" mass event is held. Commemorative lamps are lit at memorial complexes, at the monuments to the defenders and in the territories of military graves. This tradition was not changed even during the pandemic and the strictest restrictions associated with it: the fires of memory lit up in 2020 and 2021. Everyone could honor the memory of the heroes and victims of the Great Patriotic War today. Thematic events in the pre-dawn hour were held in the cities and villages of the republic. Residents of Tiraspol gathered at the Memorial of Glory. The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky with wife took part in the patriotic action.

The voice of Levitan sounded again, who announced the terrible news about the attack of the German armed forces on the USSR 81 years ago to recall the tragic events of the middle of the last century, on June 22, 2022. It was echoed by "Holy War" - a song that has become a symbol of the courage of the Soviet people. The musical work was born in the first days of the trouble that came to the country. Composer Alexandrov read in the newspaper "It was the third day of the war ...". He set Lebedev-Kumach's poems to the music created during one day. The musicians rehearsed for more than a day, and already on June 26, 1941, Alexandrov's march filled the Belorussky railway station in Moscow with sounds, from which volunteers left for the front. The line "Get up, huge country ..." became a call that millions of Soviet citizens responded to. The song, like a brave soldier, went through the whole war, like a brave commander, led the army into battle. Alexandrov's march sounded on May 9, 1945 at the Reichstag. It has not lost its relevance and unifying power to this day. Against its background, the events of the early 40s of the last century were recalled today. They talked about 17 thousand Pridnestrovians who fought against fascism, participating in the Battles of Stalingrad and Kursk, the Yassy-Kishinev operation, the battle for Berlin. Four thousand of our compatriots did not return from the front. The Eternal Flame burns at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in memory of them. It was lit by the Hero of the Soviet Union Mikhail Kharin at the Tiraspol memorial complex opened on February 23, 1972. The chapel of St. George the Victorious, built here in 2011, symbolizes the unfading candle of memory, reminiscent of outlines. Thousands of lamps were lit by the participants of today's action "Candle of Memory" as a sign of unquenchable gratitude for the feat. Lights and flowers revived memorial plates and pedestals of monuments.

The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky in an interview with journalists at the end of the commemorative mass event and the flower-laying ceremony noted that the tendencies of denying the past, characteristic of many contemporaries, are alien to Pridnestrovians. He spoke about the heroism and sacrifice of the Soviet people who stood up to defend their country, and then liberated all of Europe from the dominance of fascism. He reminded that the Soviet Union was opposed not only by German weapons and the forces of the Hitlerite axis countries: the economies of all European countries worked for the Nazi army in fact. Nevertheless, the strength of spirit and the unity of Soviet citizens prevailed, Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized, recalling the victories in major battles that led to the Great Victory.  

The PMR President spoke about the events that later led to the collapse of the USSR. Vadim Krasnoselsky noted with regret that politicians within the country managed to do what Hitler could not do in the forties. A single state that seemed indestructible, the Union collapsed, breaking into pieces. Vadim Krasnoselsky noted that the most difficult thing to survive this tragedy was for veterans, the generation of Winners. Vadim Krasnoselsky noted that subsequent geopolitical events are the consequences of the collapse of the Soviet Union.

“It is necessary to honor the heroes, it is necessary to honor the memory, it is necessary to remember, hold events, talk about it. Never let anyone forget. It is unacceptable to refuse to celebrate the Great Victory Day, to hold commemorative events. This is our history. I assure you, time will put everything in its place. Those states that have forgotten their history, they clearly do not have the right to the future and will not have a future. They will dissolve, leave the maps of the world. Those who cherish history, the memory of their ancestors, they will be preserved. Here the issue is not the size of this state, this is all secondary, the issue of recognition or non-recognition is also secondary here, but the question is in the spirit of the people living in this territory. The PMR honors the memory of the ancestors, those who defended our Motherland. The people of Pridnestrovie have the right to the future, and the future of the Pridnestrovian people is good – this is the recognition of our statehood, our independence in the end. I am convinced that all those dead who once defended our Motherland, they are with us and also protect us on this earth”, the PMR President expressed confidence.


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