The flowers from the PMR President and the Pridnestrovian people: they pay tribute to the memory of the dead in Bendery

06/19/22 12:09

The flowers from the PMR President and the Pridnestrovian people: they pay tribute to the memory of the dead in Bendery

Flowers as a symbol of unfading memory and candles, reminiscent of the inextinguishable gratitude of descendants, revived today the memorials of Bendery and nearby settlements, monument pedestals, gravestones and places where tragic events for Pridnestrovians took place three decades ago. The PMR President laid flowers at the "City of Military Glory" memorial sign on the Day of the Bendery tragedy that tells about various milestones in the history of Bendery, including the events of 1992.

The President honored the memory of the guardsmen who died on the night of June 22-23, 1992. The stone sign installed in Panin Street with a laconic inscription “To the defenders of the city. 06.23.1992”, in the taciturnity of which there is an indescribable pain of loss. A tragic mistake ended dozens of lives of Pridnestrovian servicemen.

Another monument that appeared in Bendery after the events of the early 90s of the last century is devoted to the defenders of Pridnestrovie. It was installed in 2010 on the occasion of the 19th anniversary of the Women's Strike Committee. It was installed also in Panin street. The place near the railway track was not chosen by chance. The sign, made by the sculptor Tatyana Sergeeva, recalls the feat of Pridnestrovian women who defended the independence of the Pridnestrovian state. The "rail war" of the representatives of the Women's Strike Committee is a well-known and in many ways fateful fact of Pridnestrovian history. Traditionally, on June 19, the President of the PMR Vadim Krasnoselsky brings flowers to the monument, communicates here with the participants of those historical events. Activists of the Women's Strike Committee continue to participate in the public life of the country. Today, we recalled the sad events of 30 years ago, which served as an occasion for holding mourning and commemorative events, talked about modern Pridnestrovie, noting how the country is changing. The leadership of the republic, represented by the PMR President, is thanked for the positive changes in recent years. Vadim Krasnoselsky thanked the interlocutors for their courage, indifference and active citizenship.

Another significant location for the people of Bendery is the Military Historical Memorial Complex. The delegation headed by the President arrived here to honor the memory of the defenders and victims of the war. The President laid flowers at the Poklonny Cossack Cross. A monument with "For Faith and Loyalty" symbolic inscription was built on the territory of the Bendery necropolis in 2020. The information plate says that the cross was built in memory of the Cossacks who died defending the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic from the armed aggression of Moldova. Vadim Krasnoselsky was greeted at the significant for every Cossack object by representatives of the Pridnestrovian Cossacks, headed by the Ataman of the Black Sea Cossack Host Igor Nebeygolova.

The PMR President left a scattering of carnations at the monument to the defenders and civilians who died in 1992. Black granite slabs, forming a cross when crossing, were installed here on June 19, 2010.

Vadim Krasnoselsky, visiting the memorial complex, created on his initiative and with direct participation, traditionally lays flowers at the grave of Nina Olar, a woman from Bendery. The local resident died on July 3, 1992. Her husband in the conditions of hostilities buried her in the territory of the old cemetery, which later became a memorial. The grave of the Bendery woman has been preserved and well-groomed, it has become part of the military-historical memorial complex and the history of the country.


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