Agricultural infrastructure and gardens of Slobodzeya are in the focus of attention of the President

06/08/22 13:07

Agricultural infrastructure and gardens of Slobodzeya are in the focus of attention of the President

The agricultural facility located in Slobodzeya district, which the President paid attention to today, is a fruit storage facility. The refrigeration equipment is owned by EvroRostAgro LLC local agricultural company. The company was established in 2008, the activity started in 2011. Investment infusions have made it possible to upgrade the vehicle fleet and agricultural equipment. First they planted an apple orchard, then they planted nectarines, peaches, plums, apricots, cherries. A large area is devoted to strawberries. They grow grain and industrial crops – wheat, sunflower, rapeseed, flax, corn, peas, soybeans. 2200 hectares of land are in processing. The company focuses on modern technologies: drip irrigation, garden equipment, automatic sorting and packaging lines, modern refrigeration equipment. A fruit storage facility for 1600 tons of products was put into operation last year. Vadim Krasnoselsky examined the complex. He asked about markets. The main ones are Russian, Moldovan, Ukrainian. The PMR President was told that the plum of Slobodzeya was delivered to Holland last year. Grains are also exported to Turkey and Bulgaria.

Vadim Krasnoselsky asked about the staff. 38 people are employed on a permanent basis, depending on the season, another 50 to 300 temporary employees are hired.

They talked about the prospects for this year's harvest. Farmers expect that the harvest will be good – approximately 2000 tons of fruit and 6000 tons of grain. There are prerequisites. Varietal diversity was discussed. The entrepreneurs said that they planted an Italian peach orchard last year at the expense of the State Reserve Fund and soft loans. It was possible with the help of the state to acquire irrigation equipment for irrigating 800 hectares of land. They noted that state support in recent years has allowed the agricultural sector to develop, raising the country's agriculture to a qualitatively new level. The recently adopted anti-crisis measures were discussed.

The President, accompanied by the Head of the Slobodzeya administration, visited the gardens of EuroRostAgro. The prospects for further development of the enterprise and the agricultural industry as a whole were discussed. They talked about the fact that the agro-industrial complex is the basis of the region's economy and an important component of the welfare of the republic as a whole.


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