The President held a Meeting with the Heads of State Administrations

04/11/22 12:42

The President held a Meeting with the Heads of State Administrations

The current state of affairs in the cities and districts of the republic was discussed today in the course of the meeting under the President. Heads of state administrations made reports. The executive and legislative branches of government chairpersons were also invited to the working discussion organized via videoconference. They raised issues relating to all settlements without exception, and point problems and tasks related to the life of individual administrative-territorial units.

The Head of the capital spoke about the landscaping work carried out in preparation for the celebration of the 78th anniversary of the liberation of Tiraspol from Nazi invaders. Oleg Dovgopol informed that the solemn and cultural events dedicated to the Liberation Day will begin today: the "Candle of Memory" will take place at 9 pm. The traditional ceremony of laying wreaths and flowers at the Memorial of Glory – tomorrow at 10 am, then citywide sports relay race takes place. For traffic, Suvorov Square will be closed on the 12th of April from 10:00 to 14:00. Concerts will be organized at various venues during the day. The cultural and entertainment program in the Catherine Park will last from 15:00 until 22:00.

The Liberation Day will be celebrated tomorrow by the inhabitants of the part of Slobozeya, popularly called Moldavian. The Russian part celebrates this event today. The Head of the district Vasily Tishchenko explained that the Soviet troops liberated this area in stages, so there are two dates on the calendar. The President conveyed congratulations to the residents of Slobodzeya, emphasizing that for each settlement that survived the yoke of fascism, the day of liberation is no less significant date in history than the day of formation or the first chronicle mention. It was noted that April is the month when all cities and villages of Pridnestrovie celebrate Liberation Day in turn. This circumstance is linked to the tradition of the widespread holding during this period of months of improvement and gardening, collective voluntary Saturday work days, which will continue until the May holidays. A large amount of work is carried out for the Easter celebrations. The sections of roads leading to the burial places are being repaired, and the territories of the cemeteries are being put in order. Vadim Krasnoselsky aimed the heads of state administrations to involve the local population as much as possible in the cleaning and improvement work of the burial places of citizens, emphasizing that we are talking about public locations that are significant for every family and it is necessary to bring them into proper form by joint efforts.

Commissioning work is underway to launch fountains on behalf of the President. Vadim Krasnoselsky focused on the need for improvement, preparation for the start of the season and further infrastructure development of the beach areas.

Vadim Krasnoselsky asked about the progress in uprooting the impassable sections of the botanical garden, transferred to the operational management of the capital's administration. Work is underway, said Oleg Dovgopol. He also recalled that the republican stadium located in Tiraspol was transferred to the jurisdiction of the city. Documentation is at the final stage. Another infrastructural addition to the Tiraspol administration is a skating rink. The commercial organization failed to maintain and effectively organize the operation of this facility, accumulating significant debts and ceasing operations. The city plans to revive the sports and entertainment location, transforming it into a multifunctional complex. It is planned in addition to an artificial ice rink (as opposed to the previously used natural one) to create indoor playgrounds for fans of mini-football, basketball, and volleyball.

Among the Tiraspol facilities mentioned at the meeting are the Spartak summer recreation camp (it is being prepared for the beginning of the season), kindergarten number 37 (there is a possibility that the funds allocated for major repairs may not be enough, sources of additional funding are being sought) and the special correctional educational institution for children with visual impairment number 44 (in addition to the already planned repair of the building, it will be necessary to put in order the territory adjacent to the kindergarten – to pave with paving slabs that will create comfortable and safe conditions for children to stay).

They discussed with the Head of Bendery how work is progressing on the creation of an attraction complex in the Park named after Alexander Nevsky. Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that in addition to the installation of carousels, the accompanying infrastructure should be thought out. They talked about the gradual repair of the fence on the embankment, as well as the complete replacement of the fence on the territory of school number 17 in the Severny microdistrict of Bendery. Repair work is underway in the neighboring kindergarten number 26. A lot of work has been done in Bendery school number 5 – the replacement of window blocks is almost completed there. The museum of the Bendery tragedy did not go unnoticed. Its reconstruction and re-equipment continues. The project must be completed by June 19th. On the day of the 30th anniversary of the Bendery tragedy, the renovated facility will be opened that is of great importance not only for the people of Bendery, but for every Pridnestrovian, according to Vadim Krasnoselsky.

They talked in the course of the meeting about the improvement of the Square of the city department of internal affairs, a park near school number 16 and the entrance to Bendery. Discussing the repair and construction work in the road sector, they came to the conclusion that it is expedient at this stage to focus resources on putting in order the section of Tkachenko Street in Bendery from the registry office to the Memorial of Memory and Sorrow.

Major repairs are being carried out in two of the seven buildings of the kindergarten number 12 "Stelutsa" in Dubossary.

Discussing the state of affairs in the Rybnitsa district, they did not disregard the message received today about the alleged mining of the local Central Republican Hospital. All necessary security measures have been taken in such a situation. Verification activities are underway.

Among the questions of a general nature, they discussed the topic of dilapidated abandoned objects that pose a danger and disfigure urban architecture. For those of them that are classified as residential, a legal mechanism has already been developed. The documentation is under consideration by the relevant departments. Legislative regulation is also required for issues related to determining the fate of such non-residential buildings. Relevant instructions have been given.


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