The President held the first meeting of the Operational Headquarters, created in connection with the situation in Ukraine

02/25/22 10:59

The President held the first meeting of the Operational Headquarters, created in connection with the situation in Ukraine

Vadim Krasnoselsky gathered members of the Operational Headquarters created by the presidential decision to discuss the current state of affairs as well as issues related to the implementation of the decree signed the day before. The PMR President noted that the current leadership of the headquarters was officially entrusted to the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic Vitaly Neagu, emphasizing that the President will head the work of the new body as a whole in fact. Vadim Krasnoselsky spoke about the need to create conditions for the stay in the republic of foreign citizens arriving from the territory of Ukraine.

It was noted that the situation in Pridnestrovie is stable. Law enforcement agencies have taken measures to strengthen control over order and intensify the activities of investigative and operational groups, the personnel of special units have been transferred to the barracks.

The PMR President was informed about the meeting held yesterday with the heads of state administrations of cities and regions of the republic, during which they discussed issues related to the provision of assistance to the territorial departments of internal affairs as well as the accommodation of arriving foreigners. Over the past 24 hours, 136 people have been temporarily accommodated. Two adults and one child spent the night in the sports school of Kamenka. All three have already left Pridnestrovie. 15 adults and seven children were accommodated in the Dubossary hotel "Dnestrovsky Orchard". Their food was provided by the district administration. Ten people left in the morning, 12 are in the hotel. 111 people stopped in Tiraspol, 20 of them are in the Tirotex dispensary. The food of these citizens is provided by the capital's hospital for veterans. Another hundred people settled privately in the Rossiya Hotel (50 adults and the same number of children).

Vitality Neagu said that a hotline had started working. 75 calls were received, three of them regarding accommodation as refugees. Vadim Krasnoselsky noted that assistance to citizens arriving in Pridnestrovie should be provided. He also recommended testing people who are centrally placed in specially organized temporary accommodation sites in order to avoid the risk of “importing” coronavirus infection and outbreaks.

The President was informed about the functioning of the checkpoints, noting that the checkpoint Pervomaisk-Kuchurgan stopped working from 3:45. During the past day 5143 people crossed the Pridnestrovian-Ukrainian border: 776 towards Ukraine, 4367 towards the Pridnestrovian direction. 1039 stated that they were going to relatives or acquaintances in connection with the situation developing on the territory of Ukraine. 1066 reported that they were passing through the territory of Pridnestrovie in transit.

It was also noted that 71 citizens of the Russian Federation and 371 representatives of non-CIS countries, including citizens of Belarus, Turkey, and Israel, left the territory of Ukraine in the Pridnestrovian direction. A loyal attitude towards foreigners leaving the country on the part of employees of Ukrainian checkpoints was noted.

Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that the structures should be ready for any scenario of further developments. The President personally controls the situation.



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