The President assessed the work of the Grigoriopol State Administration according to the results of 2021 as satisfactory

02/17/22 13:27

The President assessed the work of the Grigoriopol State Administration according to the results of 2021 as satisfactory

The State Administration of Grigoriopol district and the city of Grigoriopol summed up the activity results today. It was reported by the local Head. The reporting period is 2021. The report was heard and discussed by the President, heads of legislative and executive authorities, parliamentarians.

Official statistics: the population of the Grigoriopol district is 38293 people. 214 babies were born in the reporting period. Migration increase – 170 people. 141 marriages and 97 terminations were registered.

The speaker informed that the local budget received almost 130 million rubles in 2021 (9.5 million more than a year earlier), 62% its own income (the figure has increased). The size of transfers from the republican budget, on the contrary, was reduced by 2.5 million and amounted to 42.3 million. Expenses of Grigoriopol last year are 125.4 million rubles. 90 million (72%) – coverage of socially protected items.

Oleg Gabuzha focused on the implementation of the main target programs last year, emphasizing that most of them are of a long-term nature. It was noted that 15.5 million were allocated for the development of the road industry. The funds have been spent almost completely. Not only the roadway was put in order, but also sidewalks, parking lots, and areas adjacent to socially significant institutions. The building of the central library has been renovated. The repair of the summer theater and the improvement of the city beach have begun. 1.2 million rubles were allocated for these facilities. Another nine million are the funds of the Capital Investment Fund 2021. They were allocated for reconstruction of the main entrance to the central park of culture and recreation, putting the square of the defenders of Pridnestrovie in order, building a sports ground with a rollerdrome and a mini-football field, overhauling two kindergartens, updating the heating system of the Grigoriopol school number 3, roofing work in the schools of Tashlyk. Krasnaya Gorka, Delakeu, sports complex of Grigoriopol. It was possible to finance cosmetic repairs in nine educational institutions, windows and doors were replaced in three rural schools, computers were purchased for two schools. In addition, the asphalt surface of the karting track was completely replaced in the reporting year. Additional money was allocated for the purchase of two dozen karting cars. Half a million was sent to replace window blocks in the entrances of apartment buildings. According to the program of execution of orders of voters, attention is paid to several educational, sports and medical institutions of the district. For example, cars for medical outpatient clinics in the villages of Shipka and Speya were purchased. Park area was landscaped for residents of the villages of Teya and Tokmazeya.

The Head of the district administration spoke about concessional lending. 23 peasant farms received 3.4 million rubles totally. Four young families were credited for five years at 1% (the funds were used to improve housing conditions). Two interest-free loans of 100 thousand rubles were issued to young professionals.

The Head of the district focused on the work carried out as part of the fight against the spread of coronavirus. He mentioned the obligations assumed by the administration to deliver children with special needs to rehabilitation center in Dubossary.

The legislators, representing the interests of the residents of Grigoriopol district in the Supreme Council, noted the effectiveness of the work of the state administration, emphasizing the good level of interaction with both parliamentarians and deputies of the local Council.

Vadim Krasnoselsky was interested at the end of the reporting part of the meeting in the functioning of the local division of the water utility (previously, the organization received complaints). According to Oleg Gabuzha, the situation has changed with the change of structural affiliation and leadership.

Among the tasks set by the President for the coming period is the further improvement of settlements, including within the framework of the Capital Investment Fund program. It was planned for 2022 to reconstruct the rowing base and the central city park, repair four kindergartens, a comprehensive school in the village of Krasnaya Gorka and the Grigoriopol sports school. Boxings will be installed at the karting track. Funds have been allocated for the creation of a basketball court. Vadim Krasnoselsky recommended approaching the improvement of sports areas in a comprehensive manner so that modular-type facilities are multifunctional. The issue of centralized purchase of equipment for small sports grounds is being considered. A wholesale purchase will significantly reduce costs and will provide microdistricts of settlements and educational institutions with sports and play areas. The Government is working on this direction. A significant amount of work will be carried out in the city clinic. More than seven million rubles have been allocated. The President recalled that it is necessary to put in order not only buildings and premises, but also the surrounding area.

Vadim Krasnoselsky focused on the landscaping of settlements, recalling that cutting down green spaces is possible only in agreement with the state administration and the city district council. The President focused on the inadmissibility of unauthorized export of timber. An important topic is the work of mining organizations. Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that the worked out quarries must be recultivated without fail. Otherwise, the license for this type of activity will be canceled. In addition, the PMR President considers it right to issue a license for each quarry development, which will be an effective tool for monitoring the conscientiousness of the fulfillment by the entrepreneur of all obligations. Vadim Krasnoselsky focused on the problem of the state of roads operated by heavy trucks. The President emphasized that the activities of commercial organizations engaged in the extraction and transportation of minerals should be beneficial to the state, and not cause material damage to it, including damage to the roadway.

Vadim Krasnoselsky spoke about holding cultural events in the city and villages of the district, calling for the maximum involvement of creative teams and created sites.

The PMR President summing up, noted that he was satisfied with the results of the activities of the State Administration of Grigoriopol and Grigoriopol district, aiming for further fruitful work.


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