Working discussion with members of the Operational Headquarters

10/18/21 12:13

Working discussion with members of the Operational Headquarters

Considering that there has been a gradual increase in the incidence of coronavirus among Pridnestrovians for the ninth week in a row, the number of hospital beds in infectious diseases hospitals is also increasing. There are 2117 places to date, ten hospital bases. There is a reserve at operating bases. For example, they are ready to deploy an additional 120 beds in the Bendery city hospital. Work is getting better at the newly opened coronavirus centers. The President asked about the Tirotex dispensary. There are not enough nurses there. The Minister of Health was instructed to solve the problem of providing medical institutions with personnel.

The PMR President in the course of the meeting of the Operational Headquarters asked about the provision of the healthcare system with COVID medicines. Christina Albul informed that the purchases are being carried out in a timely manner. Vadim Krasnoselsky clarified whether "Remdesivir" is sufficient. The Health Minister said that 6650 doses are stored in the warehouses of the Ministry of Health. This volume is designed to treat more than a thousand patients of moderate severity or 600 severe ones. Another 9300 doses are at the disposal of medical institutions. A contract has been concluded for the purchase of 51000 units of the medicine for the future. Tender procedures were also discussed. Using the example of "Remdesivir", the PMR Chairman of the GovernmentAlexander Martynov drew attention to the dishonesty of a number of suppliers claiming to receive a state order. The cost for this was reduced from the declared 400 rubles to 160 after 180 competitive steps. That is, an attempt was initially made to earn more than 10 million rubles from the fight against the pandemic. Vadim Krasnoselsky noted the importance of the practical implementation of the law on public procurement, the norms of which are aimed at transparency and publicity of tender procedures.

Members of the Operational Headquarters spoke about vaccination against coronavirus. To date 27.6% of the adult population of the republic is vaccinated – 105552 people. The course within a week was completed by 3019 residents of the republic. Vaccination marathon in the countryside was held in Pridnestrovie over the weekend. The vaccine was brought to all feldsher-obstetric stations and rural medical outpatient clinics. 88 villages were covered. Delivery of residents of villages that do not have their own medical facilities was organized to the settlements where the vaccination campaign was taking place. 2580 rural residents were vaccinated during two days. This practice will continue.

It was noted that the vaccine is available. On the 15th of October, 6198 doses of Pfizer, 1500 doses of AstraZeneca and 4000 doses of the one-component vaccine Janssen of the pharmaceutical division of Johnson & Johnson were delivered to Pridnestrovie.


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