The working day of the President took place in Dubossary district

06/11/21 13:01

The working day of the President took place in Dubossary district

The series of visits of the President to the towns and districts of the republic continues. The President spent this day in the Dubossary region. The schedule includes communication with representatives of the local administration and people's deputies, as well as a detour of objects included in the Capital Investment Fund program of this year, and agricultural enterprises.

Communication with residents of Dubossary was organized at the site of the regional administration. The meeting began with a minute of silence, which was honored in memory of the former Head of the region Igor Mazur who passed away.

The dialogue began with the question of foreign policy in general and the course of the negotiation process in particular. Vadim Krasnoselsky noted that foreign policy topics are a constant component of the work agenda of the President. Contacts with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the republic are constant, daily. Communication with foreign diplomats is also systemic. As for the negotiations with Moldova, they were difficult throughout their history, and they remain so today. The period of 2017-2018 was a time of shifts in the negotiation process, from 2019 the stagnation of the dialogue began, accompanied by a demonstrative disregard by Moldova of the agreements reached earlier, Vadim Krasnoselsky recalled. He noted that Moldova a difficult negotiator who does not keep his word, noting that this practice dates back to the historical and tragic 1992. Then, after the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova adopted a decision on a peaceful settlement of the conflict, Bendery was unblocked, and Moldovan troops attacked the peaceful town. Vadim Krasnoselsky spoke about the agreements that are not being implemented today and the measures taken by the Pridnestrovian side to overcome the difficulties arising in this regard, including in the economy. Answering the questions of Dubossary residents, Vadim Krasnoselsky spoke about the details of a recent meeting with mediators and observers of the negotiation process, whose delegation was formed in the "3 + 2" format. He indicated that this time he invited representatives of the Pridnestrovian public to the conversation, which caused an ambiguous reaction from the guests.

They asked the President about the fight against the coronavirus pandemic and the readiness of the state in case of another wave, as well as about the vaccination campaign. Vadim Krasnoselsky informed that by this morning 39729 Pridnestrovians took part in it. This is the number of people who received the first dose of vaccine. 4.5% of the population of the republic completed the vaccination course. They spoke at the meeting about the government's costs to fight the coronavirus and to address related problems. They are measured in hundreds of millions of rubles. The budget has allocated 300 million for these purposes for the current year. If last year COVID spending was unforeseen and required the diversion of funds from all available sources, then this year the situation may be the opposite: the costs are planned taking into account the mass morbidity. There is a hope that the preventive measures taken will not allow a new wave, which means that the actual costs for this item will be less than planned. The savings will allow the funds to be directed to other state needs, including the implementation of development programs.

The President was asked to comment on rumors about the supposedly expected rise in the dollar. Vadim Krasnoselsky assured that the fixed currency corridor is not planned to be increased, emphasizing that this is a consolidated decision of the country's leadership and the Pridnestrovian Republican Bank. The President was also asked about the country's foreign exchange. According to Vadim Krasnoselsky, cash dollars worth about a billion rubles in ruble terms are in use, and over two billion rubles by bank transfer. As for the dollar deficit on the territory of Dubossary: ​​Vadim Krasnoselsky instructed the relevant departments to find out the reasons and immediately report on the situation.

The fate of the hospital located in the village of Doibany was discussed at the meeting. The outpatient clinic serves the population of five villages. The two-storey building was built in the 60s of the last century and has not been renovated. The roof is leaking. The boiler room is not functioning. The object is on the balance of the local administration. Vadim Krasnoselsky instructed to transfer the outpatient clinic to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health. Specialists delegated by the President will arrive at the place, will assess the state of affairs, give an opinion, on the basis of which a decision will be made on further measures to provide residents of the indicated villages with high-quality medical care. The building will be repaired and the facility equipped with funds from the Capital Investment Fund. Vadim Krasnoselsky noted that this object was marked in the list of priorities even before today's discussion. The President noted that more than four dozen healthcare facilities have already been brought into proper condition with the funds. The total costs for the implementation of the state infrastructure project amounted to 728 million rubles during the period of the capital investment program.

The participants of the meeting drew attention to the unsatisfactory condition of the building of the House of Culture in the village of Garmatskoye and simply emergency – the recreation center of the village of Krasny Vinogradar. The President was told that the institution is located in an old adapted building, the roof and floors of which have become completely unusable. Nevertheless, five collectives, over 80 people continue to visit the recreation center.

They spoke at the meeting about the shortage of personnel in medical institutions, about the problem of homeless animals on the streets of settlements, about the sources of financing for the landscaping of park zones. Words of gratitude were heard from doctors and patients of the local coronavirus hospital - for organizing the process of combating the pandemic and preventive activities. They asked for assistance in the construction of the stadium and sports grounds. They discussed about the rowing base, the infrastructure renovation of which is planned for 2022. The Government was instructed during the conversation to find an opportunity to put in order the roof of the industrial technical school building. The issue of creating a targeted program for the repair of buildings of village councils was discussed. The problem of the lack of a land cadastre was not left without discussion. They raised the topic of additional payments to citizens who are called up for three-month military training. They were talking about situation when the amount of allowance during the period of service is lower than the salary at the main place of work. The President noted that the initiative supported by him, suggesting that the allowance should not be less than the permanent salary of the person called up for training, is under consideration in the Supreme Council. Another issue raised by the Dubossary deputies is the expediency of changing the staffing table of educational institutions in connection with the increased workload on specialists providing distance learning. The topic of supporting lonely elderly citizens was discussed. They talked about the need to restore the road surface on the sites connecting the villages with the regional center. They focused on the availability of internal resources to meet the regional needs with crushed stone. A permit is required to develop local quarries. Vadim Krasnoselsky noted that he would study the issue. He drew attention to the following at the same time: quarrying should not create inconveniences for local residents, and the mining business should be beneficial to the state as well.

Some of the issues raised during today's meeting require continuation of discussion and detailed elaboration. In this regard, a number of stakeholder workshops are planned. The first of them will take place on Monday.


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