Inspection of Dubossary district: agriculture

06/11/21 17:42

Inspection of Dubossary district: agriculture

Agriculture is an important component of the economy of the Dubossary district. Visits to agricultural facilities are planned within the framework of the presidential inspection. The President was accompanied by the Head of the Dubossary administration Ruslan Chaban. He said during conversation with Vadim Krasnoselsky that almost 35 thousand out of 47.6 thousand hectares of the total area of ​​the district are occupied by farmland (7612 hectares - arable land, 2262 hectares – vineyards, 576 hectares – orchards). Irrigation covers 6.2 thousand hectares, which is twice as much as last year.

Among those who have already implemented the irrigation system is LenderAgroprim LLC. The agricultural enterprise is located in the village of Krasny Vinogradar. The President spoke more than once with the Head Roberto Guardigli who is familiar with the company's infrastructure. The President’s attention was drawn to a modern elevator with a capacity of 32 thousand tons in 2017. This time, the President examined the potato fields, where a new irrigation system has been installed –the only one of its kind in the republic, according to the Head of the enterprise. It prevents the tubers from darkening during temperature extremes, which is a serious problem with drip irrigation. Roberto Guardigli said that it was possible to acquire more than three dozen sprinklers for the needs of the enterprise thanks to loans from the State Reserve Fund. 3200 hectares of land of this organization are under irrigation now. This economy manages 9328 hectares totally, most of which is arable land. The entrepreneur also develops new directions of crop production. It grows tomatoes (like potatoes for the domestic market) and is fed for export. In addition, amaranth grass was sown. It is used in cooking. The interlocutors discussed further plans for the development of the enterprise. They talked about the advantages of organizing self-processing of grown products.

A significant direction of the agricultural sector of the Dubossary region is animal husbandry. The number of cattle is 1126 units. The Head of the district said that productivity in the field of milk production increased last year. Poultry farming occupies a special sector in the region's economy. The products of local producers are well known in the republic and abroad. According to Ruslan Chaban, the poultry population has grown from 177 thousand heads last year to 222 thousand this year. 3521 tons of meat were produced in 2020, in the first quarter of this year almost 800 tons.

Not only legal entities, but also peasant farms are engaged in poultry farming, including the peasant farm of Gennady Godea, which the President visited today. Vadim Krasnoselsky was told that the farm, located in the village of Dzerzhinskoye, was registered in 2002. They are engaged in the production of eggs, sell young poultry to the population. Today's livestock is 12350 chickens and 1490 ducks. Vadim Krasnoselsky examined the poultry house. I asked about the introduction of modern technologies. The attention of the President was attracted by the machine and tractor fleet of peasant farms, as well as equipment providing a microclimate for germinating wheat, corn, and barley sprouts. It is, in fact, a mini fodder plant. The Head of the enterprise said that the self-grown high-quality forage base made it possible to save a third of the cost of feeding chickens and 50% of ducks. In addition, the quality of the eggs has improved markedly. The President asked where the livestock came from. The birds were brought from Germany and France. Genetics is excellent, Gennady Godea emphasized. He said that half of the products (eggs) are sold on the territory of Pridnestrovie, the rest is exported to Moldova. The production of meat is gradually being mastered. Poultry is supplied to the shops of Tiraspol and the neighboring republic in the cold season.

They also talked about another innovative project at the meeting. Peasant farms are mastering the processing of poultry waste. The technology of effective microorganisms was developed in Japan more than 35 years ago and today is widespread in the world, local biologist Alexander Bratutsel told the President. According to him, this system allows not only saving on waste disposal, but also solves environmental problems. The prospect of this type of activity is the transition to organic farming. The President's interlocutors said that they could invite representatives of an Austrian company specializing in this sphere. They asked the President to organize a meeting of Austrians with representatives of the PMR Government on the territory of Dubossary in order to discuss the project proposed by entrepreneurs from the Dzerzhinskoye village. Its implementation may in the future take on a republican scale. Vadim Krasnoselsky, noting that he welcomes any undertakings aimed at developing the economy and preserving nature, promised assistance. The corresponding instructions have already been given to the Government.


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