Working discussion with members of the Operational Headquarters

05/31/21 12:00

Working discussion with members of the Operational Headquarters

The bed stock of coronavirus hospitals in Pridnestrovie is gradually decreasing. Slobodzeya, Rybnitsa and Bendery are functioning in full force, and the Central City Hospital in Bendery accepts both somatic patients and carriers of COVID-19 (separate buildings are allocated for different functions). 82 carriers of the virus are currently being treated at the Republican Clinical Hospital. Plans for the further closure of infectious blocks in the treatment camp are in force. The hospital network is currently loaded by less than a third. The decrease in the incidence continues: the average rate of registration of facts of COVID-19 is 22 cases per day.

Further prospects for vaccination of Pridnestrovians were discussed at the meeting. Almost four thousand people preferred AstraZeneca, 374 have already completed the vaccination course. 28.3 thousand people were vaccinated with the first component of the Russian "Sputnik V", 1220 people – with the second. There are those who preferred Pfizer. The vaccination campaign with this vaccine will resume in the near future: 1000 doses are expected to be delivered today. Vadim Krasnoselsky expressed gratitude to everyone who is involved in providing Pridnestrovians with means of preventing coronavirus.

The PMR President in the course of the meeting of the Operational Headquarters was informed about the organization of the upcoming testing of graduates of Pridnestrovian schools for admission to Russian universities. 438 applications were received for passing the tests. The unified state exam will be held until July 2. There are 14 examination dates defined. From 10 to 17 auditoriums of the Pridnestrovian State University will be involved per day. The number of examinees in one room (depending on its area) is from 12 to 25 people.

Among the topics that were discussed at the meeting under the President was the readiness for the swimming season. It is already open and will officially run until September 26. This means that employees of the emergency rescue units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be on duty locally along the Dniester line during the designated period. They have completed training courses for rescue inspectors. The Minister of Internal Affairs reported on the conducted diving survey and technical examination of city beaches, as well as on the technical staffing of the rescue posts. Equestrian patrols of recreation areas near the water are also provided in the capital. Ruslan Mova recalled that 14 people drowned during the swimming season last year. 13 of these accidents occurred in areas not permitted for bathing. 9 dead were in a state of alcoholic intoxication. Nine more people were saved, five of whom are children.

They talked today about organizing leisure activities by water bodies and outdoor pools. Requirements have been tightened. Additional recommendations for the use of beach equipment were introduced. Only catamarans from the water attractions are allowed. The use of slides is prohibited in swimming pools. Cooking food on the beach is prohibited. Compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements is under control.


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