COVID statistics

04/26/21 10:35

COVID statistics

2656 Pridnestrovians are currently carriers of COVID-19, according to the information announced in the course of the meeting of the Operational Headquarters under the President prevention of the spread of coronavirus. 1107 of them are being treated at home, 1451 in coronavirus hospitals. The workload of the network of infectious diseases hospitals is 58%. 98 patients are citizens in places of imprisonment.

48 people were transferred from home to hospital treatment in connection with the deterioration of their health in the period from April 22 to 25. The number of citizens who are hard to tolerate coronavirus is 311 people, or 21% of the total hospitalized, 39 are patients in intensive care units, 12 are connected to artificial lung ventilation devices. 79 people are awaiting the results of the study of biomaterial samples in hospital conditions. 1283 Pridnestrovians are in self-isolation at home.

3393 samples were examined within four days (207337 during the entire time of the pandemic). The fact of the disease in the reporting period was confirmed in 572 cases. The average daily incidence during this time was 143, which is less than the previous reporting period, when the average daily incidence was 172 people. 828 patients recovered from the 22nd till the 25th of April (43305 people totally during the pandemic (92%). 18 carriers of the virus died in the reporting period (1084 Pridnestrovians failed to cope with the disease in total, mortality 2.3%). 47045 cases of COVID-19 infection were recorded in general in Pridnestrovie during the coronavirus pandemic. 2169 Pridnestrovians were vaccinated with the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.


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