It was decided in the course of the meeting of the Operational Headquarters under the President to tighten quarantine measures

03/18/21 12:24

It was decided in the course of the meeting of the Operational Headquarters under the President to tighten quarantine measures

Members of the Operational Headquarters under the President discussed epidemiological situation and preventive measures to minimize morbidity. Considering that its average daily rate is growing (has already reached 346) and the bed capacity of the hospital infectious network is occupied by 82%, it was decided to return to stricter quarantine restrictions, taking into account the additionally deployed capacities in order to contain the so-called third wave.

It is noted that new forms of coronavirus are more fugative and provoke serious complications. Young people and children are increasingly sick (43 kindergarten groups are closed for quarantine). There are many cases of infection among pregnant women. A third of the sick today are people of retirement age. This suggests that society has weakened its vigilance, having noticeably increased contacts. The educational process has already been suspended to reduce the circle of children's communication, the activities of additional education institutions (the holidays began a week earlier than provided for by the classical educational schedule). Students, except for graduates, are transferred to distance learning mode. Today it has been decided to temporarily ban all public events - cultural, sports, entertainment, and corporate meetings. Catering enterprises cannot organize banquets at their venues. The required distance for seating clients is not less than a meter. Only family can gather at one table. Cafes and restaurants should be closed to visitors at night (from 22:00 to 8:00). Public transport is transferred to quarantine mode of operation: 6:00 - 10:00 and 16:00 - 20:00. These time intervals will allow citizens to get to the place of work (service) and return home at the end of the working day. At the same time, the management of all organizations and enterprises will have to reduce to the possible minimum the number of employees involved directly in the workplace: from a third to half of the team should be transferred to a remote mode. Employees of retirement age can be employed locally only if they are irreplaceable in the production process. All elderly people are advised to isolate themselves as much as possible in order to protect themselves and others from possible infection. The media will have to again intensify agitation and information activities in this direction. Law enforcement agencies will strengthen control over compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements in trade and service establishments (limiting the number of visitors simultaneously in the room, mask mode, disinfection, measuring the temperature at the entrance).

Vadim Krasnoselsky supported the tightening of preventive measures. He noted that citizens have become calmer about the risk of contracting coronavirus. At the same time, more and more sick people prefer hospital treatment at home (in just three days, about a hundred infected citizens who started treatment at home were sent to hospitals). 1643 beds of infectious diseases hospitals are occupied at the moment. The President emphasized how important it is to start taking medications in a timely manner in this regard, noting that waiting for many days for medications in the conditions of home self-isolation of COVID-19 carriers (such facts are often reported by citizens) is unacceptable. It was stated in the course of the meeting that outpatient treatment of a patient staying at home without obvious signs of illness costs the state less than 20 rubles a day, while saving those whose condition is taking on a critical form can cost up to 5000 rubles a day.

Providing the growing hospital network with personnel, equipment, medicines and related materials was discussed in the course of the meeting of the Operational Headquarters. The President asked if the problem of the shortage of oxygen cylinders was solved. According to the Minister of Health, the issue is solved. As for oxygen concentrators, the next batch is expected to be delivered by Interdnestrcom in the near future.

The issue of infrastructure development of the territories of medical institutions was discussed today. One million rubles will be allocated for the improvement and landscaping of the walking areas of the republican clinical hospital on behalf of the President. Another 780 thousand will be directed to provide street lighting for the sites adjacent to the healthcare facility. This amount was determined based on the requests of the chief doctors.


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