Coronavirus statistics

11/23/20 10:28

Coronavirus statistics

10635 cases of COVID infection were registered in Pridnestrovie, according to the information announced in the course of the meeting of the Operational Headquarters under the President for prevention of the spread of coronavirus. 76419 samples of biomaterials have been sent for laboratory research since the beginning of the pandemic. 2997 samples of these, the virus was detected in 883 cases during the four days that have passed since the previous meeting of the Operational Headquarters. During the same time, 13 carriers of the infection died, 512 recovered patients were discharged from COVID hospitals.

2271 carriers of the virus are being treated in the coronavirus centers of Pridnestrovie to date. The workload of hospitals (taking into account the additionally beds) is 78%. There are 37 seriously ill patients in intensive care units. 176 Pridnestrovians suspected of COVID-19 await PCR test results in level I hospitals. 1827 people are in controlled self-isolation at their place of residence. During the pandemic, 211 carriers of the virus died in the republic (mortality - 2%). 7153 people (67% of cases) coped with the disease.


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