The PMR President held an expanded meeting on insurance in case of coronavirus disease for citizens traveling abroad

10/20/20 14:18

The PMR President held an expanded meeting on insurance in case of coronavirus disease for citizens traveling abroad

The meeting, initiated by Vadim Krasnoselsky, was organized in videoconference format. The Heads of presidential executive office, the PMR Government, the Supreme Council, a number of ministries and departments, as well as the Heads of state administrations of cities and regions of the republic are invited to the working discussion. One of the main issues on the agenda is to establish in the legal framework a mechanism for insuring citizens traveling abroad in case of disease upon their return with coronavirus. We are talking about cases when Pridnestrovians are sent to countries with unfavorable epidemiological situation for rest or work. The working group created on behalf of the President studied all legal and economic aspects. 

Pridnestrovie is located between two states, the incidence of COVID-19 in which is growing every day. Due to the easing of quarantine restrictions, including in the area of ​​crossing the state border, the import of the virus is increasing. It is important that citizens who have arrived from abroad not only run the risk of getting sick themselves, but are also potential distributors of infection. As a result, the load on the Pridnestrovian Ministry of Health, and therefore on the state treasury, is growing, it was noted at the meeting. Socially responsible taxpayers, who correctly assess the risks associated with travel abroad, and deny themselves tourist trips, are forced to pay for irresponsibility, bordering on recklessness, those who, choosing between recreation and safety, prefer the former. 

As for citizens leaving the Pridnestrovian region for work: they pay taxes to the budget of the country in which they work, and improve their health in case of infection at the expense of the Pridnestrovian state, while again endangering compatriots with whom they contact upon returning to homeland. The introduction of an insurance mechanism in this area should become a deterrent of a preventive nature, as well as a tool for ensuring the principle of social justice, the meeting participants consider. No one doubts the need to adopt the relevant legal norms. The question is in implementation. Vadim Krasnoselsky during the discussion emphasized two aspects: observance of the constitutional rights of citizens and availability of insurance. Several options for the cost of the policy were announced at the meeting, based on the costs expected to be included in the price. It also depends on the number of potential purchasers of insurance, its duration and other factors. After a detailed exchange of views, the participants of the discussion came to the conclusion that the issue requires additional study. The President decided to remove the status of regime from the law-in-draft. Discussion of the initiative will continue as usual.


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