Coronavirus statistics

10/08/20 10:21

Coronavirus statistics

According to the information announced in the course of the meeting of the Operational Headquarters under the President for prevention of the spread of coronavirus, the incidence of COVID-19 remains at 80 people per day. 267 cases were confirmed out of 1926 samples of biomaterials sent for research In the three days that have passed since the previous meeting. Of those sick - 23 doctors, 13 representatives of the education sector, 17 children. An important aspect that Vadim Krasnoselsky drew attention to: only 30 of those infected in the period from 5 to 7 October are non-working citizens, and most of them had direct contact with employed carriers of the virus. Conclusion: safety measures related to preventing the spread of coronavirus are not sufficiently followed in work teams. The President called on the administrations of all enterprises, organizations, institutions to strengthen control in this direction, emphasizing that the fundamental factor remains the consciousness and personal responsibility of each citizen.

To date, 1121 carriers of the virus are being treated in the coronavirus centers of Pridnestrovie. The workload of medical institutions (taking into account the additionally deployed beds in the Spartak health camp and in the medical and obstetrical station of Parkany village) is 66%. There are 30 seriously ill patients, three are connected to ventilators. 123 Pridnestrovians are awaiting the results of PCR testing in I level hospitals - these are citizens suspected of COVID-19. 1475 people are in controlled self-isolation at their place of residence. These are mainly citizens who have arrived in Pridnestrovie from abroad. Their performing discipline is monitored using the "I'm at home" mobile application.

4428 cases of coronavirus disease were identified in the republic during the pandemic. 109 carriers of the virus died during this time (mortality rate - 2.5%). 70% of the sick have coped with the disease - 3082 people.


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