COVID-statistics announced at today's meeting of the Operational Headquarters under the PMR President for prevention of the spread of coronavirus: 1071 patients infected with coronavirus are being treated in hospitals of the republic, 29 of them are in serious condition (in intensive care units), two are connected to artificial ventilation devices lungs. 128 people are waiting in hospital conditions for the results of laboratory study of their biomaterial. The workload of existing COVID hospitals is 76%. 1868 bioassays were sent for PCR research in the four days that have passed since the previous meeting of the Operational Headquarters. Suspicion of infection was laboratory confirmed in 236 cases. There are 19 employees of medical institutions, 9 representatives of the teaching community, 13 children out of the identified carriers of the virus. Totally, 4161 cases of coronavirus disease were registered in Pridnestrovie during the pandemic. One hundred patients of infectious diseases hospitals died. 117 recovered (69%) were discharged. The average daily morbidity, recorded at the end of the past week, is 80 people.
Current information on the coronavirus disease incidence
10/05/20 10:26
Current information on the coronavirus disease incidence
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