Meeting of the Operational Headquarters under the PMR President

09/24/20 12:12

Meeting of the Operational Headquarters under the PMR President

Three coronavirus hospitals currently operating in Pridnestrovie are half full. 701 patients undergo treatment there. Another 119 citizens are waiting in stationary isolation to receive the results of biomaterial test for COVID. Totally, 3327 cases of coronavirus disease were registered in the republic during the pandemic. 85 carriers of the infection died (mortality 2.6%), 67% coped with the disease (2238 people). In the current period, the republic has the highest morbidity over the entire observation period. Testing coverage of the population is growing. Over three days, 1163 samples were taken for analysis. In total, 37227 units have been studied in the laboratory during the Pridnestrovian history of coronavirus. Information has been received about a new type of express tests for the Pridnestrovian practice. They have already been tested by comparing the effectiveness with the tests. Results from 100% duplicated studies are identical. At the same time, the time for conducting new rapid test for the presence of antigen is only 15 minutes, and the cost is half that of PCR tests. The Health Minister informed that this type of testing is actively used in many countries, and recommended to follow it. Christina Albul said that the equipment needed to carry out this type of research is available in three Pridnestrovian laboratories. The President instructed to study commercial proposals, noting that he considers it expedient at this stage to use in parallel the possibilities of both types of testing.

At today's meeting of the Operational Headquarters under the PMR President for prevention of the spread of coronavirus, increased attention was paid to the growing incidence of COVID-19 among the medical staff. 365 such cases were recorded in Pridnestrovie (this week 18 employees of medical institutions fell ill). Official investigations showed that 146 health workers were infected during the performance of their duties, which indicates inadequate self protection. Vadim Krasnoselsky, recalling the responsibility of health care workers not only for their own lives, but also for the health of every citizen of the country, called on the heads of medical institutions to increase control over the fulfillment of the requirements of official safety by doctors and personnel. Another aspect, which Vadim Krasnoselsky focused on, is the provision of medical facilities with personal protective equipment, disinfectants, and medicines. The President recalled his demand: there must always be a supply sufficient for the effective treatment of 1000 patients. It must be replenished in advance, the President emphasized. Vadim Krasnoselsky spoke about salary increases for medical workers involved in anti-coronavirus work. Any regulatory and legal changes in this area should be discussed with the chief doctors and sent for approval to the Presidential Administration, the President pointed out. At the same time, Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that any economy must be reasonable and must not violate the principles of social justice..

They spoke in the course of the meeting about implementation of a control system using a mobile application for fulfillment of self-isolation requirements by citizens. It will be called “I'm at home”. A citizen who has entered the country will be required to install the application within 24 hours. The organizational work to launch the mechanism is nearing completion.

Members of the Operational Headquarters discussed the issue of providing certificates at the border about the absence of coronavirus, confirmed by the PCR method. There are more cases when a document is presented in electronic form or as a printed photograph. It is not possible to confirm its reliability. Therefore, it was decided to make it mandatory to provide a document in paper form with ink stamp of the medical institution that issued the certificate.

As for the insurance of people going on vacation or work abroad: the President considers this practice reasonable, but at the same time directed the developers of the relevant regulations to the availability of insurance.

Another important topic of today's working conversation between members of the Operational Headquarters is the improvement of the educational process under conditions of quarantine restrictions. There was a proposal to allow educational institutions to increase the number of lessons per day for grades 5-8 to five (now the maximum allowed is four), in order to free Saturday from classes in school classrooms. The President noted that he allows such a possibility, but with strict observance of the five-day principle. In this case, the only option for conducting classes on Saturday is distance learning. Vadim Krasnoselsky urged to minimize classroom lessons as much as possible, recalling that in conditions of growing morbidity, there is a high risk of returning to the organization of studies exclusively online.

The next meeting of the Operational Headquarters is scheduled for Monday.


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