The President held a meeting on procurement for the needs of the healthcare system

09/16/20 17:32

The President held a meeting on procurement for the needs of the healthcare system

Working discussion on improving the procurement mechanism for equipment, machinery, medicines and other medical products was initiated by the President. Vadim Krasnoselsky invited the leadership of the presidential executive office, the PMR Government, the Supreme Council, the Ministry of Health and other departments related to tender and control over the holding of competitions, as well as the profile parliamentary committee to a video conference. They discussed the current state of affairs, noting the positive effect of recent legislative changes. Tender procedures have become more transparent, chief physicians are given the opportunity to conduct purchases for amount not exceeding 300,000 rubles, without holding a competition among potential suppliers. The fact that there are much fewer claims to the tenders through the Ministry of Health is indicated by representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of State Security, as well as specialists from the PMR Accounts Chamber, who completed the verification of this sphere. At the same time, it was noted during the meeting that there are still dotted gaps. Finding weaknesses, discussing the reasons for their appearance and proposals for improving the public procurement mechanism for the needs of the healthcare system is the goal of today's discussion. The Government commission established on behalf of the President is working in this direction. So far, preliminary findings are being analyzed. A detailed report will be presented to the President during October, said the Chairman of the Pridnestrovian Government Alexander Martynov.

They came to the conclusion in the course of the meeting that the weak link in the current tender activity is the medical and technical commissions. The problem is that they usually include highly specialized specialists, whose opinion is often based solely on their own feelings and work habits. This is a negative trend that negatively affects even if there is no corruption component. The President considers that the key to success is, among other things, in the alternative of conclusions. In this regard, Vadim Krasnoselsky recommended involving not only Pridnestrovian specialists, but also foreign ones in the discussion of proposals. In addition, the President considers that the participation of intermediaries in tenders should be minimized. Vadim Krasnoselsky recalled that unlike supplier firms that provide intermediary services, manufacturing enterprises are responsible for their products, give a quality guarantee, provide the customer with consumables and spare parts, can organize training for relevant specialists and, most importantly, do not increase the cost goods through intermediary surcharge. That is why the President recommends giving preference to manufacturers in case of equal offers. Another aspect that Vadim Krasnoselsky paid attention to is admission to participation in tender procedures exclusively for residents of the PMR. The principle is simple: if you expect to receive a government order - register officially, participate in the competition legally and be responsible for fulfilling the stated conditions.

It was mentioned at the meeting, that the tenders should not be delayed: if they are carried out at the beginning of the year, the cost of production will be much lower than, for example, in the third quarter. The President called for a prudent attitude towards budgetary funds, stressing that in any business, including in the organization of public procurement, reason must win.


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