The President presented state awards to the CEC members and veterans

09/11/20 11:01

The President presented state awards to the CEC members and veterans

A solemn meeting dedicated to the anniversary of the CEC was held on the stage of the capital's Catherine Park. The President took part in it.

During the event, they recalled the history of the formation of the electoral system of Pridnestrovie and the PMR Central Election Commission as a conductor of people's power. The Central Election Commission of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic was formed on September 11, 1990 by the Provisional Supreme Council to organize and conduct elections of people's deputies. The CEC remained a temporary until April 2000 - the Commission was formed by the Supreme Council for the period of organizing and holding elections. The Central Election Commission took a permanent place in the system of government bodies only in August 2000. The Chairperson of the CEC spoke about the changes that the electoral system of Pridnestrovie was undergoing, its most significant milestones. “There were 16 republican electoral companies, 7 national referendums - transparent, fair, honest. Almost 4000 members of election commissions are selfless, incorruptible, professional and responsible. 8 youth election commissions - 150 initiative creative, young Pridnestrovians. Since 1990, the system of election commissions has come a long way from holding elections in wartime conditions and handwriting all documents to a festive atmosphere in digital formats, when documents can be sent with two clicks,” said Elena Gorodetskaya.

The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky congratulated leadership and members of the CEC (both acting and those who stood at the origins of the formation of the electoral system). He emphasized that a unique democratic electoral system has developed in Pridnestrovie. Vadim Krasnoselsky recalled that election campaign had begun in Pridnestrovie to elect deputies to the Supreme and local councils.

The President presented state awards to the most distinguished members and veterans of the CEC for many years of conscientious work and contribution to the development of the electoral system of the republic.


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