The solemn ceremony was held to honor the Pridnestrovians who contributed to the development of the republic and the strengthening of the foundations of its statehood

09/01/20 22:39

The solemn ceremony was held to honor the Pridnestrovians who contributed to the development of the republic and the strengthening of the foundations of its statehood

The first official event was held on the stage of the open today Catherine Park - the celebration of Pridnestrovians who contributed to the development of the republic and strengthening the foundations of its statehood. The open-air ceremony is a safe alternative to the traditional Solemn Assembly, which is held annually on the eve of the main public holiday at the Palace of the Republic.

A hundred awarded today are representatives of various spheres of life of the country, founders of the republic, public figures, leaders of various ranks and ordinary employees with extraordinary merits, pensioners, public organizations and movements. Addressing the participants of the ceremony, and in their person to all Pridnestrovians, the PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky not only recalled the year and day of the proclamation of Pridnestrovian statehood, but also named the exact time of the unanimous adoption of the fateful decision - 13 hours 8 minutes on September 2, 1990.

Words of special gratitude were expressed from the presidential rostrum to the address of the Russian Federation, whose peacekeepers, together with the defenders of Pridnestrovie, defended and preserved independence of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic.

Igor Dudkevich and Igor Tostanovsky were awarded not only a high state award - "Order of the Republic", but also special words of gratitude from the President. Vadim Krasnoselsky thanked the holders of the "Order of the Republic" for their invaluable contribution to the development of Pridnestrovie.

State awards to the most worthy citizens of Pridnestrovie were also presented today by the Chairman of the PMR Government Alexander Martynov and the Chairman of the PMR Supreme Council Alexander Korshunov. 

The guests of the ceremony are the delegation of the friendly Republic of Artsakh, headed by the Head of the National Assembly Artur Tovmasyan. The representatives of Nagorno-Karabakh read out and conveyed to Vadim Krasnoselsky the greeting address of the President of the Republics of Artsakh Arayik Harutyunyan.



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