The President held a meeting of the Operational Headquarters: COVID statistics

08/27/20 13:34

The President held a meeting of the Operational Headquarters: COVID statistics

Epidemiological situation in the republic and its dynamics were discussed during the next meeting of the Operational Headquarters under the PMR President for prevention of the spread of coronavirus. 899 samples were sent for laboratory analyzes over the past three days since the previous meeting according to the information voiced by the First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the PMR Andrei Barabash. The fact of the disease was confirmed on 112 of them. 25 people recovered during the same period.

26596 polymerase chain reaction tests were done during the pandemic, 1989 cases of infection were registered. The total number of recovered - 1538 (more than 77% of cases), deaths - 61 people (mortality 3.1%). The highest incidence is in the age group from 50 to 59 years old (459 cases or 23%). There are 2054 people in controlled self-isolation. The epidemiological situation in the republic as a whole was recognized as unfavorable. A noticeable increase in the incidence was recorded in Tiraspol, Bendery, Dubossary, Slobodzeya and Grigoriopol. One of the factors increasing the indicators is the mass express testing of representatives of the education sector. So far, 3021 teachers have completed the procedure. Another 4181 teachers are awaiting express testing. Centers of the disease have also been identified in several factories. "Intercentrlux", "Tirotex" and "Floare" were ordered to temporarily close the workshops where the infected people worked. Discussing the current situation, Vadim Krasnoselsky noted that the teams in which carriers of COVID-19 have been identified should unconditionally go to a two-week quarantine. If we are talking about a large enterprise or organization, then the suspension of activities and isolation of the personnel of the unit, who find themselves in the high-risk zone, is possible. As for the testing of employees of commercial organizations: a legal entity undertakes it, the President recalled, stressing that the burden on the state budget associated with the fight against coronavirus is colossal.

The President recalled once again that the republic is following the proven path of offensive combat against the spread of coronavirus. This explains the strict control, the requirement of self-isolation, the closure of objects for quarantine, and the restriction of free border crossing. It was noted at the meeting that subjects who have encountered a coronavirus must suspend activities to eliminate the focus of infection, and the violating organizations will be closed as a preventive measure.

The principle of two-week quarantine of groups in which a carrier of the infection is found will also apply in educational institutions. Speaking about schools, Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that holding meetings of parents in the pandemic (information about such plans was received by the President) is unacceptable, as is the organization of meetings of teachers' councils and other collective meetings. Members of the Operational Headquarters discussed the issue of the functioning of Moldovan schools with the Romanian language of instruction located on the territory of Pridnestrovie in coronavirus circumstances. The PMR Sanitary and Epidemiological Service has already inspected some of them. The rest will also be checked for compliance with quarantine requirements. If the administration of these educational institutions does not provide testing of personnel, then the Pridnestrovian state will provide assistance. It is necessary to develop a mechanism for the daily crossing of the Pridnestrovian border by students and teachers. This also applies to the students of three Bendery schools, where children from neighboring Moldovan villages study. The President instructed the Head of the Bendery administration to develop the appropriate uniform passes - a kind of student cards.

Another issue that is important for schoolchildren is movement in public transport. Now children can move in trolleybuses unaccompanied by adults. There was also a request to shift the start of the school day for PSU students to a later time. This measure will reduce rush hour passenger traffic. The issue is being worked out.

They talked today about infectious diseases hospitals. In addition to Slobodzeya and Rybnitsa, they have already been deployed in Tiraspol and Bendery. Next is Dubossary. This is getting ready to resume work next week. In total, more than 800 beds will be ready to receive infected patients. The President focused on the fact that it is not just a bed, but the creation of conditions for a comfortable stay and effective treatment of the indicated number of citizens. A separate instruction is to check the availability of hot water and the equipment of shower cabins in all infectious diseases hospitals in the republic. During the working discussion, the members of the Operational Headquarters decided that patients with severe coronavirus will be sent to the Slobodzeya Hospital. They also discussed the issue of treating minor carriers of COVID infection. The fact is that not all coronavirus centers have pediatricians. The proposal to send all sick children to Slobodzeya was not supported by the majority of the meeting participants. Vadim Krasnoselsky instructed the Ministry of Health to send children's doctors from other medical institutions to hospitals. Another instruction to the Ministry of Health is to temporarily delegate its employees to help the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, the burden on which has grown very recently. The request of the chief doctors of COVID centers for the organization of posts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at hospital sites was also satisfied.

At the meeting of the Operations Headquarters, they again returned to the topic of plasma donation of citizens who have recovered from COVID-19. Representatives of the Operational Headquarters contacted more than 400 residents of the republic, who, thanks to the efforts of Pridnestrovian doctors, successfully coped with the coronavirus (these are only representatives of the age group 18 - 55 years old without chronic diseases). 76 former patients of infectious diseases hospitals accepted the offer to take part in the voluntary action. Another 33 people are still in thought. The plasma bank will continue to fill. An electronic database of potential donors is being formed for this. An important element of centralized work in this direction is the creation of digital passports of Pridnestrovians infected with COVID-19. On behalf of the President, they should be drawn up within the next week, and in the future this practice is mandatory.

The next meeting of the Operational Headquarters under the PMR President for prevention of the spread of coronavirus is scheduled for Monday, August 31.


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