The President held a regular meeting of the Operational Headquarters

07/20/20 11:32

The President held a regular meeting of the Operational Headquarters

96 new cases of coronavirus disease were registered in Pridnestrovie during four days. 65% of carriers of the infection are residents of the northern capital and Rybnitsa region. Focal points of infection were detected at the factory of LLC Rikon (14 employees and four family members of one of the infected employees of the enterprise) and the Odema branch (5 COVID cases). Coronavirus was recorded among seasonal workers at the Doyban winery - residents of villages of the Rybnitsa district (18 cases). The President instructed to check fulfillment of quarantine safety requirements at these enterprises. It was decided to postpone the opening of kindergartens in Rybnitsa, taking into consideration the negative epidemiological situation. The admission of children to one of the three preschool educational institutions expected to open in Bendery has been postponed indefinitely. The reason - two COVID-19 carriers were identified among kindergarten employees. It was emphasized during the meeting of the Operational Headquarters that workers can enter the territory of preschool institutions only after receiving negative results of rapid testing. Vadim Krasnoselsky noted that in the long term - by the beginning of the school year (if it is decided to launch the training mechanism in standard form in September) - a lot of work will be required to test the entire staff of educational institutions. It is about checking more than 10000 samples. The republic must be ready to implement this project. To date, approximately 50000 express tests have already been completed. The next batch arrived - 27000 units. Orders for subsequent supplies, including medicines and protective equipment used in the fight against COVID-19, must be formed in advance, the President pointed out.

Totally, 1425 cases of coronavirus disease have been registered in the republic today. 166 people undergo treatment in two Pridnestrovian hospitals. Three PMR citizens are in Moldovan hospitals. 57 Pridnestrovians suspected of infection are awaiting the results of laboratory studies of biomaterial taken from them. The recovery rate in the country as a whole is 81.5% (1162 patients have coped with the disease). Mortality - 3.5% (during the pandemic, 50 people died who were diagnosed with coronavirus). The distribution coefficient is 3,5. If we compare the past two weeks, the growth exceeded 60% (123 cases in the last 7 days against 48 a week earlier).

It was said in the course of the meeting that if the COVID situation worsens, the country's leadership will be forced to return to the practice of tougher quarantine. Data on detected violations committed by citizens and legal entities suggests that the society has somewhat weakened executive discipline, which is fraught with new outbreaks of mass infection. In four days, 19 facts of violation of sanitary norms and rules for the transport of passengers by public transport and more than eight dozen violations of quarantine requirements in the field of trade and services were recorded. In this regard, the activities of a number of facilities were suspended.


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