The President held a meeting on health care

07/16/20 15:26

The President held a meeting on health care

The President is initiator of the working meeting, the purpose of which is to discuss the further vector of development of the Pridnestrovian healthcare. Opening the meeting, Vadim Krasnoselsky indicated that this sphere has long required a serious administrative update. Steps in this direction are taken. The leadership of the specialized department was changing. Serious work has been done to create a draft of a new concept for the development of healthcare of the PMR. The document was presented to the public. The chief doctors of medical institutions of the republic took an active part in the development. The current leadership of the Ministry of Health is adjusting the strategic plan based on the new realities, including focusing on the aspects that were clearly manifested with the advent of the pandemic, which became the litmus test for the healthcare sector.

The Head of the department Christina Albul outlined the priority points of the reorganization program of the Ministry of Health. It is proposed at the first stage to optimize the sphere of inpatient treatment by redistributing the bed fund. Discussing the upcoming optimization, Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that this is necessary. According to him, the rational use of resources is the key to effective administration.

It is also proposed to strengthen the primary health care link and centralize the ambulance service. Particular attention will be paid to the nursing sector (it seems appropriate to expand the functionality of nurses). The wage system is already being adjusted. Training is an important element. The President insists that the personnel policy should be carried out in close cooperation of the ministry with the medical faculty of PSU. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the direction of retraining of personnel and to intensify work to improve the qualifications of medical specialists within the republic, the President aimed.

Changes in personnel are also coming up - both in the apparatus of the Ministry of Health and in each particular medical institution. The President invited representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to discuss the formation of the Ministry of Health personnel, noting that the experience of colleagues in this area can be useful. After joint study of the documentation and analysis of the staffing, the meeting participants came to conclusion that the units of the Ministry of Health were redundant. It was proposed to retain two of the three posts of deputy ministers and to leave 14 departments in the structure of the apparatus. It is recommended to abolish the six units called the main directorates by directions, as well as almost a dozen of their structural divisions — directorates, reducing their number to five with 16 divisions. As for medical institutions, the formation of their staff should be carried out by October of this year.

The proposals that have already been received during the meeting are worked out in detail, tasks for the near future are outlined. The issue of improving the healthcare system is under the personal control of the President. Vadim Krasnoselsky expressed hope that the new leadership of the PMR Ministry of Health will implement the plans and bring the social sphere that is significant for the country to a whole new level.


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