The President held the Operational Headquarters meeting on prevention of the spread of coronavirus

07/13/20 10:30

The President held the Operational Headquarters meeting on prevention of the spread of coronavirus

It was reported in the course of the Operational Headquarters meeting that not a single case of infection with COVID-19 was recorded on the eve in Pridnestrovie: laboratory study of all samples showed a negative result. 48 carriers of coronavirus were detected during the week (for comparison: 58 facts during the week before). Taking into consideration the active testing, it can be argued about decrease in the incidence. 50 carriers of the infection died (mortality rate 3.8%) during the entire period of the pandemic, while the share of survivors is 86% (1119 out of 1302 cases). There was also a 5% decrease in total mortality in the first half of the year compared to the same period in 2019. Moreover, an increase in the birth rate was recorded. According to Natalya Slepukha, the head physician of the capital Central Healthcare Center, last year by mid-July 705 babies were born, and this year - 761 children.

According to the latest data, 103 carriers of COVID-19 are treated in two coronavirus hospitals of Pridnestrovie, three infected Pridnestrovians are in medical facilities in neighboring Moldova. More than four dozen residents of the PMR, being in conditions of stationary isolation, are awaiting the results of bioassay study.


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