The Operational Headquarters Decisions

07/09/20 12:34

The Operational Headquarters Decisions

Current issues related to the gradual relaxation of quarantine restrictions were discussed at the с meeting. The Sanitary and Epidemiological Service has developed regulations for the resumption of operation of sanatorium-resort facilities. A request to this effect was received by the President from the administration of the Dniester sanatorium in Kamenka. The management of the health resort announced its readiness to begin receiving visitors. The relevant commission will verify compliance with all recommendations and requirements of the Sanitary-Epidemiological Station. In case of a positive conclusion after July 15, the sanatorium will be able to organize the first arrival - so far only citizens of the PMR.

Control events are systematically carried out in summer health camps. According to the decision of the Operational Headquarters, only pupils of closed social institutions are sent there to rest. Initially, children from various boarding schools, shelters and other institutions were supposed to be separated so as to prevent the mass spread of coronavirus if it was detected in one of the teams. They had to take children from the camps located in close proximity to the Dniester, to the Victoria camp remote from the water, because of the flood situation. As a result, pupils of three institutions are simultaneously on the same site. At the same time, the administration was ordered to minimize the contacts of children. The audit showed that this requirement is not complied with. All vacationers eat at the same time and spend joint leisure time. A report has been drawn up on violations. Perpetrators will be disciplined.

Work continues on opening for children of preschool educational institutions. The sanitary-epidemiological service of the republic considers that from July 20 it will be possible to begin a phased resumption of kindergarten activities. We are talking about preschool children 3-7 years old. It was decided to wait with the opening of nursery groups. At the first stage, it is planned to open a limited number of institutions. The Heads of state administrations together with the Ministry of Education will determine the addresses. The staff will have to undergo a physical examination and training in working in conditions of the pandemic.

The first classes with employees of trolleybus departments have already taken place. The need for this appeared due to an increase in the number of potential users of public electric transport services. If until now trolleybuses transported exclusively working citizens, now from ten a.m. to four p.m. this opportunity will be provided to everyone, including pensioners. Compliance with the mask regimen and disinfection of the hands of passengers entering the cabin are mandatory.

They discussed the possibility of opening gyms and fitness centers, as well as catering establishments that discuss visitors indoors at the meeting of the Operational Headquarters. The Chief Sanitary and Epidemiologist has been tasked with preparing the relevant documents governing the implementation of the safe activities of these facilities. The issue will be discussed in detail at the next meeting.

After successful treatment, all COVID patients were discharged from the capital Veterans Hospital, headquarters member Kristina Albul informed. The institution returns to work as usual with the provision of medical services to the population in full. It was decided to resume the planned hospitalization of citizens everywhere.


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