Vadim Krasnoselsky met with the agrarians of Dubossary and Grigoriopol

06/30/20 21:07

Vadim Krasnoselsky met with the agrarians of Dubossary and Grigoriopol

Pridnestrovie is the zone of risky agriculture. Anomalously warm winters, droughts, frosts are the factors that agrarians have to resist. The Head of the regional department of agriculture Vyacheslav Lyubinsky told Vadim Krasnoselsky about the damage caused to the Dubossary district by bad weather. This year winter wheat is about 10000 hectares in Dubossary. More than half - about 5500 hectares were lost, 1800 hectares have already been sowed by spring crops.

Vyacheslav Lubinsky focused the attention of the President on two nearby fields sown with wheat. The ears of wheat of one of them are tall and large, the other - 100% of the crop was lost. The landowner explainув the nature of this miracle: the land given under sowing in the first case was “rested” - the black steam technology was applied to it. The mechanism is simple. After the planned harvesting, deep loosening procedures are carried out. Then nothing is sown for a year. During this time the land is saturated with oxygen, and its ability to accumulate and retain moisture is more than doubled. Thus, it was possible to obtain a grain crop - dew was retained in the soil, which was enough for wheat even during the drought in this Dubossary field. The neighboring field, sown with wheat after sunflower, under equal conditions of yield, did not produce. The contrast between the two fields would not be so strong with regular watering. As Vadim Krasnoselsky noted, the future of the Pridnestrovian agriculture is difficult to imagine without development of reclamation complex. The solution of this and other issues of the agro-industrial complex requires a balanced approach and serious investment.

A new culture for our region is being cultivated this year by the Razdolie enterprise in Dubossary. Nearly 18 hectares of land were allocated to crops of perennial grasses of hyssop and yarrow. As the director of the agricultural company Alexander Beloborodov said, his goal is the introduction of medicinal and essential oil crops. The use of herbs is widespread. The essential oils contained in the flowers are used in the distillery industry and the perfume industry, and dried leaves are used as a seasoning in cooking. The President praised the desire of farmers to introduce modern technologies and to master new directions for Pridnestrovian agriculture.

Growing fruits and vegetables is engaged in the Grigoriopol enterprise "Agro-Fruit". He is responsible for almost 388 hectares of farmland, 288 of which are old gardens, uprooted and converted to arable land. Established in 2013, the company was one of the first in the region who built a refrigerated warehouse to store crops. Its volume is about 1000 tons. The economy received a loan from the funds of the state reserve fund. Inspecting the farmland of the enterprise, Vadim Krasnoselsky was interested in organizing the processes of collection, storage and sale of products for these purposes, in 2019. The Head of Agro-Fruit LLC, Yuri Garash, said that his main assistants are sons. In addition, the company provides jobs to residents of nearby villages year-round. The products are sold in local markets.


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