The President held Operational Headquarters meeting

06/22/20 12:49

The President held Operational Headquarters meeting

It was noted in the course of the meeting of the Operational Headquarters under the PMR President on the prevention of the spread of coronavirus, that to date 921 out of 1154 people recovered, 79.8% of the number of Pridnestrovians who were ill with COVID-19. The mortality rate remains at 3.8% (44 deaths from the total number of virus carriers). A third of cases are among men, and two-thirds of coronavirus carriers are women.

The meeting participants discussed the global spread of COVID-19, WHO warning that it is likely the second wave of mass morbidity, and the World Health Organization's call for preparedness to counter the new kick-up of the virus. The situation in Pridnestrovie is much better than in neighboring states. The main task today is to stay in the positive direction of the development of COVID-19 events, Vadim Krasnoselsky set the task. The President considers the tactics of combating the pandemic chosen by the Pridnestrovian Operational Headquarters to be successful. Its key position is the offensive: it is necessary, firstly, to be proactive, taking preventive and restrictive quarantine measures, and secondly, to see in every citizen a "potential carrier of the virus". Maximum protection, mass testing and timely treatment in conditions of hospital isolation - this scheme allowed the Pridnestrovian Ministry of Health to cope with the situation and prevent the heavy-handedness of infection. In this regard, the President recalled that the lifting of restrictive measures should still be cautious, thoughtful, prepared and, most importantly, controlled. Deterioration of the situation and non-compliance with certain categories of citizens and business entities of quarantine requirements will entail a reasonable return to more stringent restrictions on the life of the Pridnestrovian society. As an example, the Operational Headquarters participants mentioned a public catering facility located in the center of the capital, administration of which neglected the regulations and allowed a daily mass of uncontrolled crowds of citizens. At the same time, employees of the institution did not provide conditions for the provision of services in the fresh air (fencing, remotely installed furniture). The facility is closed for a week. The resumption of activity will be possible only after the elimination of all organizational shortcomings. Similar measures are being taken with respect to quarantine violators in any field. Inspection teams work everywhere and seven days a week.

Specially created commission checks the readiness of health camps to receive young visitors - pupils of social institutions. The permits were obtained by four institutions located in Tiraspol, Dubossary and Slobodzeya district. Today will be the first arrival. 271 children, as well as staff who will be with the children in the camps, were tested on COVID-19. An important limitation: pupils of some social institutions should not contact with the wards of others.

Swimming pools - indoor and outdoor resume their work from today. The Sanitary and Epidemiological Service established strict regulations for the safe reception and servicing of visitors. The issue of defrosting the activities of "The Dniester" sanatorium in Kamenka is considered. So far, the issue is about rendering medical and preventive services exclusively to Pridnestrovians. The decision is up to the chief sanitary doctor of the republic (tasked with developing a regulatory framework).

The President asked about the progress in bringing the Tiraspol COVID laboratory back into operation. According to the Head of the Ministry of Health Christina Albul, this week the necessary equipment that is available to the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be installed. A new amplifier supply, designed to carry out 180 tests per day is expected in the future. The issue of acquiring the second set of equipment for equipping a similar laboratory in Rybnitsa was also discussed. Vadim Krasnoselsky instructed to study this issue.

They spoke in the course of the meeting about commencement of the rewarding of people directly involved in the fight against coronavirus with the medal “For saving life”. Health workers received the awards at the end of last week. The presentation was timed to the Day of the medical and pharmaceutical worker. Awarding of representatives of other fields will also be timed to coincide with their professional holidays or other dates significant for the republic. Volunteers as well as citizens and legal entities providing charitable assistance in the fight against COVID-19 will be awarded in a special way.


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