Operational Headquarters: current solutions

05/12/20 14:00

Operational Headquarters: current solutions

The decision taken in the course of the meeting of the Operational Headquarters under the President to extend the special legal regime in Pridnestrovie - the State of Emergency - until June 1 of this year is due to the fact that the incidence of coronavirus among residents of the republic is still at high level. It will be possible to talk about the complete removal of quarantine restrictions only by reducing the daily registration of new infections to zero and the fortnightly stability of this state of affairs, it was noted during a working discussion that preceded the adoption of consolidated decision.

To date, 364 Pridnestrovians with confirmed COVID-19 are in the quarantine centers of the republic. Two PMR citizens undergo treatment in neighboring Moldova. During the pandemic, 27 people infected with coronavirus died, 246 coped with the disease. In total, 639 cases of infection were recorded in the republic. An analysis of the data for the last five days suggests that the number of recovered (102) exceeds the number of COVID-19 carriers identified during this time (73). However, the virus is still actively spreading. Thanks to mass testing, not only individual infected citizens are detected, but also focal point of infection. On behalf of the President, rapid tests were carried out to check for employees and wards of closed social institutions. COVID-19 infection was widespread at Neuropsychiatric Dispensary in Bendery. By the beginning of the Operational Headquarters meeting, they were talking about 25 confirmed cases of infection; by the end of the diagnosis, 45 people had confirmed the diagnosis. And these are not the final results: some of the samples are still under investigation. Vadim Krasnoselsky demanded to immediately take all necessary measures to hospitalize the patients, isolate the rest of the employees and wards of the institution, and also conduct an internal audit on the fact of mass infection of citizens. Considering that on the eve of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service in most closed social institutions, various types of violations of the quarantine regime were identified, the President ordered to establish a commission that will include representatives of various ministries and departments, and more comprehensive examination. Three working days are allotted to eliminate violations. Responsibility is assigned to the leadership of the Ministry of Social Protection.

The President asked the chief physicians of medical institutions of the republic about availability of protective equipment and medicines. Today, doctors use two working regimens for treating patients with coronavirus. There are plenty of drugs for both, said Deputy Health Minister Christina Albul. Reserves - based on 1.5 thousand patients. There is no shortage in protective equipment. As necessary, medical facilities exchange available stocks. Today it will be replenished. 10 tons of medical cargo arrived in the republic. We are talking about the next humanitarian aid of Interdnestrcom - 50000 mask-respirators, a hundred oximeters and 15 cabinets for disinfection. During the pandemic, this commercial organization assisted Pridnestrovians in the fight against COVID-19 in the amount of over 210 thousand euros, it was noted during the meeting of the Operational Headquarters. Other business structures also participate in anti-coronavirus activities. Thanks to the Sheriff company, for example, 3200 doctors and employees of medical institutions working in the risk zone received wage premiums for the past month.

Vadim Krasnoselsky recalled that from day to day, 30000 express tests is expected in Pridnestrovie. 8620 - unused balance of 20000 of the first tranche. The President urged not to economize on testing. Timely detection and prompt isolation of carriers of infection is one of the fundamental factors in successfully combating the spread of coronavirus, emphasized Vadim Krasnoselsky. The President assured that the stocks of tests, as well as protective equipment, medicines will be replenished as necessary. The state with the support of socially responsible business is doing everything possible for this. It is important to monitor the situation on the ground, to timely form an application, and most importantly, to put into practice all the protection measures provided, Vadim Krasnoselsky set the task for the head physician. He emphasized that the protection of medical personnel is a priority, on the solution of which the functionality and effectiveness of the healthcare system depends. Another significant aspect is the unconditional fulfillment of quarantine requirements by economic entities that have received the right to unfreeze activities. In case of the slightest violation of the established norms, the business entity will not only be fined, but also suspend work for a week. This is not the time to weaken the attention of the employees of the internal affairs bodies in relation to the citizens of the republic. Mitigation of quarantine measures requires tougher controls, emphasized Vadim Krasnoselsky. He called on militia officers to mobilize all forces and resources to successfully pass the next stage of the test called the “pandemic”.


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