PMR MFA described statements by the political representative of the Moldova Republic as “beyond the level of cynicism”, “primitive speculation”, “injections of political lies”

04/22/20 17:55

PMR MFA described statements by the political representative of the Moldova Republic as “beyond the level of cynicism”, “primitive speculation”, “injections of political lies”

Tiraspol, April 22. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The Pridnestrovian Ministry of Foreign Affairs cannot leave without reaction the latest hypocritical and false in their content attacks of the Moldovan authorities on Pridnestrovie voiced by the Republic of Moldova’s political representative.

First of all, we emphasize that it is inadmissible attacking Pridnestrovian health workers, who keep the forefront fighting against COVID-19 in critical conditions, saving lives. The arrogant doctors’ neglection seems to be a norm for the Moldovan leadership, otherwise it is difficult to explain the shocking statistics of virus-contaminated health workers in Moldova, caused by the lack of proper working conditions and personal protective equipment which is sold abroad during the pandemic. 

Fortunately, such nonsense from the lips of a high-ranking Moldovan official is not able to destroy the long-established expert cooperation between Pridnestrovie and Moldova in the medical field based on professionalism and mutual assistance. Primitively speculating on medical topics, engaging in chatter during pandemic the representatives of Moldova have not only showed their level of political culture and personal ethics but also put themselves beyond the framework bounds where real complex work is carried out 24 hours a day; this work is aimed at countering the epidemic, saving lives, conducting operations, analyzing tests, opening new laboratories. 

The comments of the Moldovan authorities’ representative regarding the five thousand tests that Russia provided to Pridnestrovie as humanitarian aid, look outrageous in terms of cynicism. The official inadvertently undertook other people’s competences daring to discuss the “quality” of Russian tests and considering them as the “main risk factor”. A similar consumer approach of official Chisinau in the spirit of the Krylov’s famous fable is of particular importance against the background of Russia's recent vast financial assistance to Moldova.   

We consider absurd the Republic of Moldova’s accusations of “concealing” the epidemiological situation information in the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. At the time when the Moldovan side was already caught trying to manipulate the number of patients with coronavirus infection data, in Pridnestrovie there was not a single fact of understatement or other forms of statistics adjustment as to the COVID-19 distribution in the republic.   

Trying to “lay the blame on somebody else”, to engage in political lies «injections”, Moldova seeks to divert the international community’s attention not only from its inhumane actions against Pridnestrovie but also from the obviously increasing managerial failures in the fight against the pandemic.

Making belated decisions on quarantine, using half measures, misleading their own population and WHO regarding statistics, the political leadership of the Republic of Moldova shows to be very insecure, since it decided to follow our advice and implement effective methods, just the way Pridnestrovie did, including the recent agreement to create conditions for permanent residence and work for Pridnestrovian doctors in the Republic of Moldova.

Understanding the impossibility to hold a “Permanent Meeting ...”, Kishinev is actively speculating in unrealistic calls for convening a “5 + 2” format meeting. Pridnestrovie positively appreciates such a Moldovan side’s zeal and will do everything necessary during the real meeting to get answers to all questions related to the blockade on import to Pridnestrovie that started on the first days of the pandemic fight; issues as medicines import, new problems in the banking sector creation, and not fulfillment of obligations on the 2017-2018 agreement (telecommunications, criminal cases, transport, etc.), including the Protocols of the “Permanent Meeting ...”, that were also signed by Cristina. Lesnic.

There occurs a strong conviction that the Moldovan side purposefully leads the relations of Pridnestrovie and Moldova into another deadlock crisis through the degradation of its approaches and inadequate rhetoric. In these circumstances, we urge the international participants in the negotiation process to assess Chisinau’s approaches and to assist in preventing the negotiation mechanism’ s destruction.

We separately address the World Health Organization on sending a monitoring mission to Pridnestrovie to transparently assess the full range of pandemic control measures.



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