The President visited medical institutions of Tiraspol

04/07/20 14:24

The President visited medical institutions of Tiraspol

The President, accompanied by the Head of the Operational Headquarters for the Prevention of the Spread of  Coronavirus, the Minister of Health, his deputy and the Head of the Republican Epidemiological Service examined the premises of the capital’s medical facilities, where in the future it would be possible to place bases for isolated treatment of patients with coronavirus and temporary stay in a quarantine hospital citizens with other diagnoses, but who are potential carriers of COVID-19.

The inspection team visited the Republican Center for Mother and Baby. Communicating with management and the staff, Vadim Krasnoselsky focused on ensuring the protection of doctors from infection, emphasizing that physicians in the existing realities should position themselves and each patient as a carrier of the virus, regardless of symptoms and circumstances. The President drew attention in this regard to the fact that the staff still did not meet visitors in protective clothing, but in white coats. The President considers this attitude careless. Discussing the possibilities of the institution regarding the placement of coronavirus hospital in its building, the staff of the medical institution recalled that there is the only intensive care unit for newborns in the republic. It was said that the necessary conditions have already been created for the adoption of labor in patients with COVID-19.

Another facility that the President examined was the Center for Reproductive Health and Family Planning (better known as Tiraspol Gynecology). Among the advantages in terms of placement of infectious patients is the presence of boxed rooms. Minus is a small capacity.

Vadim Krasnoselsky spoke today with the leadership of the Republican Clinical Hospital. They discussed the possibilities and the feasibility of including the hospital as a whole or separate buildings allocated to various departments in the republican program for accommodating citizens with coronavirus or suspecting its presence on a territorial basis.

The President instructed the interlocutors to study this issue, assess the capabilities of their institutions, and formulate their proposals.

Vadim Krasnoselsky examined the premises, which are being prepared for the proposed laboratory for the study of the biomaterial of patients with suspected coronavirus at the State Institution Republican Clinical Hospital. This is the Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases. Communicating with the leaders and employees of the institution, Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that safety is the paramount factor: the laboratory will only be launched after experts confirm its provision.


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