World Tourism Organization is interested in Pridnestrovie

02/06/20 20:40

World Tourism Organization is interested in Pridnestrovie

Continued work on the country tourism logo raised the interest

Tiraspol, February 6. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Work on creating a tourist logo of the country is ongoing in Pridnestrovie. One of the options was presented by the studio of the Russian designer Artemy Lebedev. The author combined the symbolic images of the Dniester, a bunch of grapes, fortresses and elements of nature.  The process of creating the logo has not yet been completed, but work on it has even intrigued the World Tourism Organization.  As noted by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Development Sergey Obolonik, such interest is an important factor in the tourism development.

“Our neighbors and even the World Tourism Organization reacted to it.  This is an important factor in the development of tourism,” Obolonik said in an interview with the First Pridnestrovian TV channel. 

Lebedev found imaginative ways to the project, and his participation became a powerful information factor. They learned about work on the Pridnestrovian logo far beyond the republic`s borders.

“His approach was highly creative. It did not have a special commercial load.  Therefore, we did not incur significant expenses.  Serious company involvement played an important part.  The main thing is that tourists reacted,” Sergey Obolonik explained.

Artemy Lebedev`s logo option

According to the Deputy Prime Minister, another positive step was the involvement of a large number of Pridnestrovians in the development and discussion of the logo.

“Our citizens reacted responsibly and emotionally to this issue. Personal involvement played remarkable role.  It is in the process and is being discussed,” the head of the Ministry of Economic Development said.  He added that the identity of Pridnestrovie was an issue in the discussion of which as many people as possible should take part.

In Pridnestrovian society, there has been repeatedly discussed the issue of the fact that Suvorov’s image should be present on the logo, since it is inextricably linked with the history of Pridnestrovie and is one of its symbols.  Commenting on such a proposal, Sergey Obolonik noted that it was important for Pridnestrovians to understand the historical role of their land as a Russian outpost.

“These are the symbols that we are used to seeing in our life, which we identify Pridnestrovie with ... It has a huge number of unusual qualities: multi-ethnicity, a small territory and at the same time a broad array of historical events,” the Minister said.

Sergey Obolonik noted that thanks to the work of Artemy Lebedev, there had appeared a base of samples and interesting ideas that can be used in further work.

“There are interesting ideas. There is also a vision of the head of state.  All this can be collected into a product that will move the largest number of Pridnestrovian people.  And it will be a truly national product,” the Vice Prime Minister summed up.


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