Vadim Krasnoselsky held regular meeting with social activists

12/19/19 16:14

Vadim Krasnoselsky held regular meeting with social activists

Meeting of the PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky with representatives of public associations was held in the House of Official Receptions. The conversation was initiated by the President. He considered it necessary at the end of the year to discuss with the activists issues of concern to them, to summarize what has been done, to outline plans for further interaction. Representatives of the Government and the Supreme Council are invited to the discussion. Vadim Krasnoselsky called this - expanded - communication format the most effective from the point of view of prompt adoption of optimal and verified decisions by all interested parties.

The President’s interlocutors - representatives of more than two dozen non-profit organizations, movements, charitable foundations — not only asked questions and asked for assistance in resolving various problems, but also came up with initiatives. It is proposed, for example, to develop a ten-year Strategy for the development of human rights and freedoms in Pridnestrovie, to amend the legislative acts on citizens' appeals, and also to include the concept of a “danger zone” in the legal environment in order to be able to equate journalists working in such called hot spots, to combatants. Another proposal is to hold a large educational forum in the first quarter of next year (following the example of the recent medical one); participants will discuss the prospects for further development of the education sector.

They returned during the conversation to the topic of paying benefits to citizens caring for people with special needs. We are talking about six hundred families in which parents cannot find jobs due to the incapacity of children whose age has exceeded 16 years. They discussed the creation and placement options for the House of Nationalities, which would unite representatives of various diasporas under one roof. Opinions exchanged over the opening of an educational and sports center in Rybnitsa. Social activists asked about the provision of irrigation of green spaces in the streets, raised the topic of trapping homeless animals. The issue of providing territory for the construction of an appropriate shelter remains open not for the first year. During the discussion, the pros and cons of the proposed places were highlighted. They talked about socially oriented non-profit organizations and social entrepreneurship. Particular attention was paid to the housing sector. Representatives of public organizations are concerned about the situation with the ongoing discharge of municipal waste and wastewater into the Svetly stream. Another topic of discussion is the state of historical buildings and the correspondence of the contents of information plates to reality.

Taking into consideration the approaching New Year celebrations, there was a conversation on this topic. Vadim Krasnoselsky called New Year and Christmas as family holidays, which his family decided to celebrate at home. Answering a question about what he expects from next year, the President answered, that Stability. Its guarantee, in the opinion of the President, is to ensure peace, law and order, security, including environmental and social security. All these are internal factors, the presence of which depends solely on the efforts of the Pridnestrovians themselves. Vadim Krasnoselsky noted the importance of the contribution of representatives of public associations to this work.



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