Vyacheslav Kononov completed the bicycle race in three capitals

09/20/19 10:05

Vyacheslav Kononov completed the bicycle race in three capitals

He visited Tiraspol, Chisinau and Comrat for 8 days, having traveled 700 km

Tiraspol, September, 20. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/.  Vyacheslav Kononov completed one-man bicycle race. For 8 days he was practically inseparable from his bicycle, which he traveled 700 km on. The athlete planned to visit three capitals: Tiraspol (Pridnestrovie), Chisinau (Moldova) and Comrat (Gagauzia). But he moved beyond the task: in addition to the main cities, the cyclist visited the southernmost points of the two states. These are Nezavertyailovka (Pridnestrovie).

“The ride was very interesting. Of course, there were difficulties, but now all this is remembered as pleasant surprises that can be well overcome,” the athlete said.

On the way from Chisinau to Hincesti, Vyacheslav Kononov`s bicycle chain broke. This section of the way, the cyclist admits, was the most difficult one. Throughout the journey, the athlete met people who were happy to help him.

“Such support on the road is great. Heavy trucks stopped and asked if help was needed. I also asked them if they needed help. Such mutual assistance on the road is always justified, because today you need help, and next day someone else will need it too,” Vyacheslav Kononov shared.

The cyclist took a whole set of tools with him on the road, including a pump, the necessary keys, glue, patches and spare bicycle tubes. In addition, there was a tent, a sleeping bag, a set of clothes and food - all that was needed on the road. But the most important thing was water, Vyacheslav Kononov emphasized.

He said that during the trip he drank a lot of water. He took it not only in stores along the way, but also in springs. There was such a stretch of road on the way, on which there was not a single place to find water.

“It was very hot the first few days, the water ran out. I found a spring, ran to him with all the bottles, but it turned out to be dry,” the athlete said.

A local resident who drove by and gave Vyacheslav Kononov a bottle of water helped him. He admits that thanks to him he was able to get to Chisinau. There have been a lot of such cases when people helped cyclists for free. They repaired pedals, restored a bicycle chain, coped with other minor breakdowns.

The cyclist took his talisman with him for such a long journey - teddy bear named Arnold. With his help, he broke his personal record on a bicycle - 128.5 km.

According to him, Vyacheslav Kononov has planned this bike ride for the sake of popularizing not only cycling, but also the sport as a whole. He also plans to take part in a Cycle Ride with the Stars. As part of such ride, he invites the Doredos group to take part in it too, which all fans of artists from Rybnitsa will be able to join.


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