The President held a meeting on the development of affordable housing for public sector employees

09/13/19 16:51

The President held a meeting on the development of affordable housing for public sector employees

The President, opening the meeting, to which representatives of the leadership of the Government of the PMR and the Supreme Council were invited, noted that the affordable housing program, initiated by him was implemented as planned. The first house has already been commissioned, in which servicemen and representatives of other budgetary spheres will be included. The starting stage of the presidential program - the "revival" of long-term construction projects - is being implemented throughout the republic and is already at the final stage. Re-profiling and reconstruction of a number of idle administrative buildings into residential premises may be the next step. This issue is being worked out on the instructions of the President. In parallel, the work is underway on purchase by public sector employees with the support of the state of the secondary housing market. In existing realities, this direction is seen by Vadim Krasnoselsky as relevant and promising. The Government and the Supreme Council are working on the mechanism. A working group has been created, which includes, inter alia, representatives of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education and departments of the power block, as well as the banking sector. The proposed model is based on a combination of subsidies and mortgages, which will allow a young family of state employees to purchase housing. The task that the state solves in this case is to secure specialists in the budget sphere and to keep working-age population at home.

“Question number one at all the meetings that I have with working groups is housing. It is in our power to do everything possible to minimize the critical problem, to create conditions for young people to be provided with work, to get an opportunity to purchase housing, to live and work in the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic”, said Vadim Krasnoselsky, aiming the meeting participants to work productively in work on the socially significant law-in-draft.



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