Vadim Krasnoselsky told how the towns and districts life have changed in cultural way

09/02/19 12:26

Vadim Krasnoselsky told how the towns and districts life have changed in cultural way

The official part of the festivities dedicated to the Republic Day has been completed. Cultural events started. As part of the celebration of the 29th anniversary of the establishment of Pridnestrovie, an exhibition of weapons and equipment was launched in the center of the capital. Open Day was announced in the Tiraspol Joint Museum. "Artisan Pridnestrovie" is represented in the neighborhood of the City Palace of Culture. An interactive entertainment program was organized in the square de Volan. A concert with the participation of creative teams of the republic is planned for the evening. The traditional festive fireworks will be preceded by water-musical-light performance, presented by the new fountain complex. Its official launch took place today with the participation of the PMR President and his wife. The head of the capital administration Oleg Dovgopol told the guests that the light show would delight the Tiraspol residents and city guests every night. In addition, cultural events are planned at the fountain every weekend. The head of the city informed the country's leadership about the progress in the construction of the Catherine Park, part of which was a fountain ensemble.

“Pay attention to how much this is necessary for people, how the center of Tiraspol, which few used to visit, is being transformed and revived. The area becomes the cultural center of the capital and the whole of Pridnestrovie. Both young and older people gather here. The Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic has been living for 29 years, and somehow there was always no time for this. I am sure that it has now arrived. This year the fountain group in Tiraspol, next year - in all cities. The opening of the Catherine Park is planned for the 30th anniversary of the republic, and this will be a significant event in the cultural life of our state. The heads of state administrations were tasked with developing cultural centers and park zones in all areas. They know the President’s demand to hold various festivals throughout the republic next year - musical, historical, cultural, and children's. This is necessary for people. The time has come, and we are using every opportunity to make the republic more beautiful and interesting, and the life of every Pridnestrovian better”, said Vadim Krasnoselsky, speaking to the press.

Despite the fact that the opening of the Catherine Park is planned for next year, Tiraspol residents today have tried to convey the atmosphere of the times of the great empress. The capital compound, unfolding in the city center, can be called rather the imperial court. In total, about a dozen farmsteads work on the main square of the republic - from each city and district, as well as organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Cossacks. During the day, the President paid attention to many holiday locations, noting their diversity and high level of organization.


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