The Heads of state administrations informed the President about the situation on the ground

08/26/19 12:05

The Heads of state administrations informed the President about the situation on the ground

The working week of the President began with the meeting in the form of video conference with heads of state administrations of cities and regions of the republic. According to their information, last week the situation in all spheres of life remained stable, enterprises, organizations, institutions and services worked normally.

After hearing the reports, Vadim Krasnoselsky gave a number of instructions to the heads of state administrations.

The President focused on the improvement of settlements, emphasizing the particular relevance of this issue during the preparation for Republic Day. Today, Vadim Krasnoselsky noted, there is unfinished work in this regard. The simplest example is the presence of mowed grass, including in the capital. The President recalled that work at a number of sites of the future Catherine Park, the opening of which is scheduled for September 2, must be completed by this date without fail. Speaking about the fountain complex in the center of the capital, Vadim Krasnoselsky noted that everyone should become witnesses of its solemn launch and recommended the event for daytime. The President said that after the Republic Day he plans to inspect the progress of construction work at the facilities of Catherine Park.

Addressing the Heads of state administrations, Vadim Krasnoselsky aimed them at the fact that events in the framework of the celebration of the 29th anniversary of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic should be organized and carried out at the proper level, since traditionally a large number of residents and guests of the republic participate in it.

The President reminded that celebratory assemblies dedicated to Knowledge Day take place in all schools of the republic on September 3. A number of secondary educational institutions will be opened in renovated buildings. Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that in the future, construction and repair work under the capital investment program if necessary will be continued at other educational facilities.


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