07/07/19 23:10


On the eve of a family holiday, there was held Chamomile Happiness festival in the territory of the Bendery fortress

Bendery, July, 7. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. On the eve of one of the kindest and happiest holidays, a large family festival Chamomile Happiness was held in the Alexander Nevsky Park. It united several generations in honour of Day of Family Love and Fidelity. Even before the festival began, the park was being filled with married couples. The newly married couple were there too - Dmitry and Olga Kapatsina got married only yesterday.

The festival began with a prayer service in the Church of Holy and Right-believing Alexander Nevsky, which was attended by the Supreme Council Chairman Alexander Korshunov, Deputy Prime Minister - Health Minister Alexey Tsurkan and the Head of Bendery State Administration Roman Ivanchenko. They came to join the festival together with their families. After the prayer service, from the temple the solemn procession passed to the main stage of the park, where the festive program began.

In the performance prologue, the artists presented a theatrical show based on the tale of Peter and Fevronia, in whose honour the Day of Family Love and Fidelity was established. This is a touching story about the great power of love. The concert program was continued by the creative teams from Bendery. Today in the program, there were items about the main family values.

From the stage, the Head of the Bendery State Administration Roman Ivanchenko addressed the guests of the fortress with a welcoming speech. He noted that the family is a cornerstone, the guarantee of a strong and successful state.

“On this day, I would like to express special gratitude to large families, those who bring up foster children. This is huge work, huge responsibility, but at the same time, this is also a great happiness. We bow our heads in respect for your daily work,” the Head of Bendery said.

He knows firsthand what it`s like to be a father of many children. There are four children in the family of Roman Ivanchenko. The Chairman of the Supreme Council Alexander Korshunov is a wealthy father. At the festival, their families were congratulated and presented gifts.

Among other large families that were congratulated that day are the family of Ivan and Tatiana Bejenaru. They are bringing up both their own and foster children. The head of the family says that there are 12 of them together with their grandson.

“Big family is a great happiness. This is the value that we must bear trough life – that`s how we see it. A big family brings you fun and joy,” Ivan Bejenaru said.


The young family of Dmitry and Olga Kapatsin, and also Eugene and Nina Netudykhat celebrating their silver anniversary were honored on this day too (they met in the 7th grade and still live together). There were also those who overcame the line of the golden wedding. The Head of Bendery presented flowers and gifts to all of those families.

In the Alexander Nevsky Park, there were a large number of various sites. Here everyone from young to old could find something they would be interested in. A site with power and fun games was created specially for the fathers. “Bahamas” site, where you could take part in a master class in yoga and learn the secrets of beauty from the experts, was organized for mothers.

In a win-win lottery, they were able to win various prizes: beginning from colored pencils to laundry detergent - everything that could be useful in a household.

There was also a playground for the little ones. Here kids made crafts with their own hands: postcards, fans, applications. They also did cubes, puzzles and constructor.

Family Igromania run throughout the festival. There kids jumped on trampolines, rode rides, horses and ponies. And also, anyone could write his own recipe for happiness and share the secret of love on special stands.

The real Chamomile Ball also organized in the park. Here the Vernissage club taught historical dance.

The whole park of Alexander Nevsky received a wave of chamomiles - the main symbol of the Family Love and Fidelity holiday. There were chamomiles everywhere: from photo zones to a master class in making those flowers. The festival ended with a family film “The Formula of Love” showing.

Anna Turchenko


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