Vadim Krasnoselsky received the Russian delegation led by Ambassador at Large of the Russian Foreign Ministry Sergei Gubarev

04/02/19 12:32

Vadim Krasnoselsky received the Russian delegation led by Ambassador at Large of the Russian Foreign Ministry Sergei Gubarev

The PMR President, welcoming the guests, stated that the interaction with the Russian Foreign Ministry is systematic and constructive and expressed gratitude for the attention to Pridnestrovie. Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized the fundamental importance of the participation of the Russian Federation in the work of the “Permanent Conference ...” format.

In the context of discussing the situation in the negotiation process between Pridnestrovie and the Republic of Moldova, during the meeting, there was a temporary weak period associated with political events in Moldova and expected formation of new government, which also includes the political representative from Moldova. The President noted that the "waiting mode" was delayed, but nevertheless, even in the "negotiating inter-season" conditions, it is possible to solve current issues. Vadim Krasnoselsky noted that agreement was reached, for example, on the synchronization of the time limits for a ban on fishing during the period of spawning (from April 15 to June 15 of the current year) on the Dniester River. Environmental issues, in particular the conservation of aquatic biological resources of the Dniester, he considers to be extremely important for residents of both states. Considering the growing fears, distribution of not always reliable information and speculations around the “river theme”, the PMR President considers it expedient to include environmental issues in the current negotiation agenda. Among the topics that remain relevant, Vadim Krasnoselsky singled out telecommunications and banking. He noted that he was glad to have the opportunity to discuss further prospects for negotiations with representatives of the guarantor country and mediator.

The interlocutors, speaking about the inadmissibility of turning the tactical pause in negotiations into a strategic one, noted the desirability of resuming active work at all levels of the dialogue, including the “Permanent Conference ...”. Vadim Krasnoselsky considers it necessary to organize the meeting in the “5 + 2” format as soon as possible. Sergei Gubarev adheres to a similar position. He considers that the meeting is needed to form an idea of ​​the real state of affairs in the negotiation process as of today.

The meeting participants discussed a wide range of issues on the negotiation agenda and bilateral Russian-Pridnestrovian cooperation and agreed to continue close cooperation in all mutually interesting directions.


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