12/18/18 18:05


Since the beginning of the year, the Pridnestrovian athletes won more than 80 medals of a different advantage at the international competitions
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Tiraspol, December, 18. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The President of Pridnestrovie promised to pay serious attention to the promotion of sport: to develop it in the republic, from public sections and to vocational schools. It was also discussed during today's press conference. Let's remind, this year after long idle time capitally restored Bendery stadium "Dynamo" is opened, it is planning to repair the pool. And the works at the Republican stadium in Tiraspol which is promised to be changed unrecognizably too have already begun. 

The achievements of the Pridnestrovian athletes most eloquently speaks about the serious potential of our country in this sphere. Since the beginning of the year, they brought over 80 medals of various advantage from the international competitions. 

"It is World, European championships and even the Olympic Games. It is remarkable that there are athletes of different categories: young people, cadets and also veterans. It is a great indicator for the small state where 500 thousand citizens live. In Pridnestrovie there are a lot of sports talents, and, of course, the Olympic Movement should be shown therefore I agreed with the idea of the organization in Pridnestrovie of the School of the Olympic reserve", – Vadim Krasnoselsky told. 

The school will be placed in the building of capital Secondary school No. 4. It will be residential care where young people who go in for sports professionally will train without separation from the study. This year repair began here, and in the following year, the school will open the doors for the first pupils. The special sports companies created in the Pridnestrovian army help not to interrupt the process of preparing for competitions.  

"As for sections and other sports movements, if we take Armed Forces, there is the Sports Club of the Army, on the basis of the Ministry of Internal Affairs the movement "Dynamo" continues to function. These clubs cover not only young people sports movement", – the Head of the state noted. 

He emphasized that without the development of infrastructure, constructions of new stadiums, the opening of new sporting venues and material stimulation of trainers and teachers it is difficult to tell about serious development of the sport. 

At the same time, the President emphasized that sporting venues whenever possible have to be multipurpose, allowing to cultivate at once several sports. 

"What are the benefits of the Bendery stadium? That it is not only football but also athletics field. The athletics section is already organized there and competitions are held. By the way, in Moldova, there are no such stadiums which have the license for holding track and field athletics competitions. And for us it is already the centre of Bendery sports and culture, so will be in Tiraspol and other cities and areas", – Vadim Krasnoselsky promised. 


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