Investment legislation to be popularized among domestic investors

07/06/18 21:05

Investment legislation to be popularized among domestic investors

The schedule of presentations of the law "On state support of investment activities" in cities and districts was approved at a government meeting

Tiraspol, 6 July. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Deputy prime minister Sergey Obolonik held a meeting with heads of state administrations to discuss the main directions of the investment policy.

Thus, the law "On state support for investment activities" came into force on 1 June 2018. The government has developed a number of measures aimed at improving the investment climate of the republic to popularise Pridnestrovie's investment legislation.

One of such measures is the creation of investment maps of cities and districts. The Ministry of Economic Development has collected and analyzed proposals from state administrations on investment facilities to be included in the above-mentioned maps.

"First of all, investment sites should be the territories that are of great strategic importance for the development of the investment potential of a region; this refers to both tourist objects and processing industry facilities. It is also necessary to pay attention to the spare capacities of the functioning enterprises," said Sergey Obolonik.

According to Obolonik, the layout and structure of investment maps and investment sites will be further transformed into an investment portal that will contain a set of textual and graphic materials with proposals on the composition, location and basic economic and logistical parameters of the facilities.

A schedule of presentations of the investment law in the country's regions was approved at the meeting. Measures to promote investment legislation among domestic investors are planned for July, the government's press service reports.


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