Labour Code: balance between business interEsts and guarantees to workers

05/10/18 13:02

Labour Code: balance between business interEsts and guarantees to workers

The government is seeking balanced legislation

Tiraspol, 10 May. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The Labor Code of the PMR. How to make it more balanced? This was discussed at a government meeting chaired by Prime Minister Alexander Martynov.

To analyse other countries' experience

According to Martynov, the topic of labour legislation is regularly raised at meeting with the business community and public organisations; therefore, its discussion has long been in the pipeline. He outlined the concept of what should be achieved as a result of the discussion, the government's press service reports.

"I think that the Pridnestrovian Labour Code, on the one hand, should effectively protect the rights of the employee. I think that trade unions should closely monitor this. On the other hand, it should not impede the development of entrepreneurship. It should not have any aggressive, and sometimes absurd, norms, which are bad for both the employee and the entrepreneur," underscored the prime minister.

Alexander Martynov believes that it is necessary to analyse the experience of those states whose labour legislation has been successfully reformed.

To balance labour relations

The position of the business community was expressed by Alexander Kuznetsov. The vice-president of the business association "MOST" noted a number of aspects that need to be simplified for employers. One of them is flexible and convenient registration of labour relations.

"It seems to be necessary to develop some kind of simplified version of the employment contract, something intermediate between the contract of engagement and the employment contract, under which the worker's employment record would be put in his work-book, while some aspects would be simplified," said Alexander Kuznetsov.

The chairperson of the Federation of Trade Unions of Pridnestrovie agreed with the idea of ​​studying the laws and regulations of other countries and transferring positive provisions to the Pridnestrovian Labour Code. Viktor Ivanchenkov noted that the trade unions actively cooperate with the Union of Industrialists, Agrarians and Entrepreneurs of Pridnestrovie. Speaking about small and medium business, he said that it was needed to find the optimal approaches that would suit all parties concerned.

The minister of social security and labour, Elena Kulichenko, recalled that when the Labor Code had been adopted, the legislation of the Russian Federation had been taken as a guideline since "we have a common policy in the interests of the employer and social guarantees to the employee". However, today there are new forms of employment, for example, teleworking, which is not regulated by the current legislation.

"Naturally, life sets us the task of balancing these labour relations," Elena Kulichenko stated. The new law should be balanced, taking into account mandatory social guarantees, the minister added.

Alexander Martynov, commenting on social guarantees to employees, warned the meeting participants against shifting them to the shoulders of entrepreneurs.

A working group, which will include the business community, trade union members, the research community of Pridnestrovian State University, Supreme Council members, experts, Public Chamber members, will be formed to elaborate on amendments to labour legislation. The above-mentioned body will be headed by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Development Sergey Obolonik with Elena Kulichenko as his deputy.

"I believe that a broad representation will allow us to balance these issues, to consider them in such a way that we'll be able to introduce new norms without worsening at the same time social guarantees in relation to our labour resources," the minister of social protection said.

According to the prime minister, "the work should result in a bill that will contain in itself all the necessary amendments to both the Labour Code and subordinate regulations, or to other laws, if necessary."


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