Issue of monitoring peacekeeping posts remains open

10/26/17 16:38

Issue of monitoring peacekeeping posts remains open

Bendery, 26 October. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The Joint Control Commission (JCC) has requested the OSCE Mission to provide logistical and technical assistance to the Joint Military Command (JMC). The corresponding appeal was signed at a regular JCC meeting.

This chiefly refers to office hardware, which enables the JMC and military observers to perform their duties more professionally.

The issue of visiting the peacekeeping posts to monitor their readiness for the winter period. This requires a decision by the JMC.

"It is clear that the preparatory process for service in the autumn-winter period is underway, and its results should be checked by the JCC on the site," notes the Pridnestrovian JCC member Vasily Vakarchuk.

He maintained that holding joint drills remained a hot topic as well, but no consensus had been reached on that issue.


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