President: ‘The country's leadership will do its utmost to ensure that Pridnestrovians will live in a recognised, independent state’

09/02/17 13:25

President: ‘The country's leadership will do its utmost to ensure that Pridnestrovians will live in a recognised, independent state’

Vadim Krasnoselsky talked to journalists after the military parade
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Tiraspol, 2 September. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Our state, the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, was established 27 years ago. And although we are not recognised by the international community, the main thing is that the country is recognised by the Pridnestrovian people themselves. This was stated by President Krasnoselsky in an interview with journalists after the military parade.

«High valour and courage must be shown to gain independence. But the same valour and courage must be shown to keep it. Don't our people, including the Ministry of Defence and the law enforcement agencies, have this valour and courage?» noted Krasnoselsky

The president underscored that the recognition of Pridnestrovie was a technical matter and the leadership would do the utmost to ensure that Pridnestrovians would live in a recognised, independent state.

«We have all the levers to do this; we hav eto work and move forward," said the president.

Vadim Krasnoselsky also noticed that the Pridnestrovian army was being modernised right in front of our eyes. It was becoming attractive to serve.

«The philosophy of the conscripted service has been changed and now soldiers serve only in the daytime, from 8 in the morning to 6 in the evening. Young people can go home every day. But at the same time, our military detachments do not lose their operational readiness. There are permanent combat readiness units. Besides, conscripted students can study by correspondence while in the army and on a budgetary basis. These measures have increased discipline in the troops. We have improved the nutrition of soldiers. Tomorrow we'll open a new educational facility — Tiraspol Suvorov Military School. This is also an element of our ideology, of our upbringing. That is, we are moving steadily and gradually, without taking revolutionary steps. So I can already see quite a different army… In the near future, new conscriptees will bring up to the strength our Armed Forces and law enforcement agencies," underscored the president, adding that only the best citizens would be able to join the army.


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