Russia's military attaché office not engaged in JCC's work

06/08/17 16:35

Russia's military attaché office not engaged in JCC's work

This is due to the expulsion by the Moldovan authorities of Russian diplomats involved in the peacekeeping operation
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Tiraspol, 8 June. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. As always, today's meeting of the Joint Control Commission (JCC) began with a procedural issue. The JCC approved its new member representing Russia.

It should be noted that the JCC is currently working amid a diplomatic scandal unleashed by the Moldovan authorities. Three members of Russia's military attaché office in Moldova, including military attaché Igor Dobnya himself, had been expelled from the country, among other diplomats.

«The JCC's work has suffered certain damage. They [diplomats] played a significant coordinating role in the peacekeeping operation. The absence of the members of the military attaché office will affect the JCC's work and the entire peacekeeping operation," said a member of the Pridnestrovian delegation to the JCC, Vasily Vakarchuk.

The Pridnestrovian delegation expresses the hope that this issue will be resolved soon and members of Russia's military attaché office will join in the JCC’s work.

On 29 May five Russian diplomats, four of whom were JCC members, were declared personae non gratae. In response, Russia expelled five Moldovan diplomats.


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